
RedState’s Water Cooler – September 10, 2018 – Open Thread: Even Millennials Are Reducing Use of Facebook, Widow of Fallen Police Officer Sends a Message to Nike

- September 10, 2018

Buffoons of the Week:

The grandstanding of the repellent Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Sen. Cory (Spartacus) Booker (D-NJ) confirmed their plans to run for president in 2020 during Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. Booker’s “Spartacus” moment apparently “raised his national profile; he will headline the Iowa Democrats’ marquee fall banquet on October 6.” I bet Harris wasn’t so pleased about that.

The most salient moments of the week are presented in the following video.


New Pew Research Center Poll Shows 74% Have Taken Steps To Reduce Role Of Facebook

The most astonishing finding in this study is the age group (18-29) of those who say they have deleted the app from their phones and computers. Looks like all users, young and old, Democrats and Republicans, have lost trust in the “the social media giant and what it collects from their time online. Others are tired of the infamous Facebook algorithm, the tool the company uses to decide what stories appear in their news feed.”

New Poll Shows Exodus from Facebook Is Real


15 Male Ground Zero Responders Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Fox News reports that 15 men who spent extended periods of time at Ground Zero have developed breast cancer. This is an alarming statistic because, nationally, men account for only 1% of all breast cancers. The video below tells the story.

Surprise of the Week:

Digital Commerce Research Company, Edison Trends, reported that sales of Nike products surged 31% from Sunday, September 2 through Tuesday, September 4, following the kick-off of their “Just Do It” campaign starring Colin Kaepernick. They said that sales had increased only 17% for the same period last year.

Given the backlash against Nike following the announcement of the controversial Kaepernick, this statistic seems to defy logic. This is the crucial back-to-school period, and the start of fall sports and the company always sees strong sales at this time. Still, a 14% year over year increase is surprising given the number of Americans who are offended by their decision to use Kaepernick.

“There was speculation that the Nike/Kaepernick campaign would lead to a drop in sales but the data does not support that theory,” the company said in a statement.

The report does not factor in brick-and-mortar sales.

To amass the data, Edison Trends analyzed purchases from 3 million Americans’ email receipts, looking at the purchase of any Nike product from more than 200 U.S. retail outlets, as well as Nike.com.

Hopefully, these numbers reflect the knee-jerk reaction of SJWs eager to support one of their own and will not continue.

Following is the story of a woman who will never buy another Nike product in her life, a position I support.


Widow of Slain Police Officer Tells Nike A Story That Goes Viral

She begins by displaying a photo of a well-used and faded Nike baseball cap.

Dear Nike: I want to have a conversation about this hat. It’s over 13 years old. I don’t remember when I bought it exactly, I don’t remember where I bought it. But what I do remember is why I wore it.

Sherry Graham-Potter recalls facing the death of her husband Tim, an Arizona police officer, in August 2005. They had been married for only one month when a policeman knocked on her door and gave her the devastating news that while Tim was chasing a suspect on foot, he was struck by an oncoming vehicle and killed.

Needless to say, it was an overwhelming tragedy and the early days were excruciating for her. She would do the things that had to be done and nothing more. Then, one day, she knew she had to force herself to start moving again. She found a black Nike baseball cap and out she went for a run.

“It was short, it hurt and it was ugly. But I felt, just for those few moments on that road, like a normal person. So I kept doing it. I put that hat on and I ran every day. Sometimes I had to stop and sit down because I was sobbing so hard. Sometimes I was so angry I ran until I thought I my heart would stop, sometimes I would just scream over and over again, but it still felt better than doing nothing.

“That black cap became a symbol to me, it is sweat stained and it’s shape is gone, the buckle in the back barely closes; but that hat represents my family’s rise from the ashes. It stands for the strength and the sacrifice we made loving a man who had a job that we all knew could end his life, every time he walked out that door. And it did. And I accept that.”

“She wore it until the very morning she heard about the Kaepernick ad campaign.”

Colin Kapernick has the absolute right to protest anything he damn well pleases. I don’t dispute that for one second. My father, my husband and many, many friends have all served this country and were willing to fight for his right to kneel.

But that right goes both ways. I also have a right to express my disgust at your decision to portray him as some kind of hero. What, exactly has Colin Kapernick sacrificed? His multi million dollar paycheck…? Nope, you already gave him one of those. His reputation? No, he’s been fawned over by celebrities and media alike. Funny, Tim Tebow was never called courageous when he knelt.

This man, whose contempt for law enforcement fits him like a…sock, has promoted an agenda that has been proven false time and time again, in study after study. But facts don’t seem to matter anymore. This man has thrown his support behind divisive anti-police groups, and donated money directly to a fugitive from justice who escaped prison after killing a police officer. I question the judgement of anyone who would put someone this controversial and divisive at the head of an advertising campaign, but it isn’t my company to run.

I don’t know if I’ll have he heart to ever get rid of this cap (sic), but I will tell you this, I’ll never purchase another Nike product as long as I live. You got this one wrong Nike, terribly, terribly wrong.

I know this woman is not alone. Many Americans, including myself, feel this way. And Nike has made a serious mistake.


Chuckle of the Week:

This dog really, really doesn’t want to have a bath! Please take a moment to watch this!


As Always, This Is An Open Thread!

The post RedState’s Water Cooler – September 10, 2018 – Open Thread: Even Millennials Are Reducing Use of Facebook, Widow of Fallen Police Officer Sends a Message to Nike appeared first on RedState.


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