
Roger Stone in Posobiec Interview: Trump Needs to Fire Sessions and DOJ operatives or He Will Be Impeached (VIDEO)

- September 08, 2018

OANN TV host Jack Posobiec interviewed Roger Stone on Thursday about the ongoing Mueller witch hunt and the future of the Podesta brothers.

Roger Stone told Jack that the Podesta brothers, John and Tony, are both going down.

This was an excellent interview.

Roger Stone: I may be framed. There is no evidence whatsoever of Russian collusion on my part. There is no evidence of collaboration with Wikileaks. Now is it possible that Mueller and his gumshoes will conjure up something to get me to testify against the president as they did with Michael Cohen? That’s entirely possible… The president should act now. He should fire Mr. Sessions. That he should fire as deep into the Justice Department that he needs to get an Attorney General who is committed to the rule of law and loyal to this administration… If he does not fire them he will be impeached.

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