
“The Trump Prophecy” A Movie on the Trump Miracle and a Prayer Movement to Save America – In Theaters October 2 & 4

- September 13, 2018

In a few weeks a movie is coming to US theaters called THE TRUMP PROPHECY.

This is the true story of a silent and powerful prayer movement that took place during the 2016 election.

It was a movement that began as people across the nation began to pray for our country and that God would hear our cry and begin to turn the hearts of people back to Him.

This has not ended, many are still praying for this today through this movement. It was not a prayer movement to elect President Trump – that would be a short-sighted prayer and it would be putting hope in man rather than in Whom our hope belongs. The movie is based on a book by the same title.

We invite you to come and see the story of Mark Taylor, a fireman who was struggling with PTSD. One night while watching a news channel, he saw Donald Trump on the screen. He wrote in his journal – “this man will be the next President”.

Little did Mark know several dozen video recordings of others documented that they also got the same message and were equally convinced it came from God.

As he shared that story with a friend, that friend started a nationwide prayer movement.

What would it look like if America was truly great again? See Mark’s story and then hear from experts in many walks of life: faith, commerce, politics, and more as they explore this question.

The movie opens in theaters for 2 nights only on October 2nd and 4th. You can learn more about it at thetrumpprophecymovie.com and watch the trailer.

In related news — we reported on this a year ago…

Today we are witnessing another miracle of light.

God did not desert America.

On February 18, 2017, First Lady Melania Trump led the audience in the Lord’s Prayer at a rally in Florida.

The following day Father Giacomo Capoverdi shared a fascinating story about the Hermit of Loreto who predicted the Donald Trump presidency back in the 1980s.

The holy man shared a premonition that President Donald Trump would help bring America back to God.

The Roman Catholic Man reported:

Father Giacomo Capoverdi shared a fascinating story of his encounter with the Hermit of Loreto (the author of the Pieta Prayer Book), at the site of the Holy House of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In this video, Father Capoverdi shares an amazing premonition this Hermit of Loreto had all the way back in the 1980s about Donald J. Trump. Please watch as Father shares this incredible story.

And today we have President Donald Trump leading America and the free world.

Hat Tip Fred

The post “The Trump Prophecy” A Movie on the Trump Miracle and a Prayer Movement to Save America – In Theaters October 2 & 4 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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