Nope, Not Gonna Do It
President Donald Trump will not answer any questions from Robert Mueller — in person or in writing — involving obstruction regarding the Special Counsel’s Russia probe. This news comes from Trump’s attorney, Rudi Giuliani earlier today.
According to NBC NEWS…
Mueller’s office has previously sought to interview the president about the obstruction issue, including his firing last year of former FBI Director James Comey and his public attacks on Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Trump’s legal team has argued that the president has the power to hire and fire appointees and the special counsel does not have the authority to ask him to explain those decisions. Giuliani said Thursday the team was steadfast in that position.
“That’s a no-go. That is not going happen,” Giuliani said. “There will be no questions at all on obstruction.”
In a letter last week, Mueller’s team said it would accept written responses from Trump on questions related to Russian election interference. Giuliani suggested Thursday that Trump’s lawyers had agreed to those terms but wanted to prohibit investigators from asking follow-up questions.
This is a clear indication that Trump and his legal team want to make sure that the President does not get tripped up in an investigation that is believed to be wrapping up on the Russia probe.
Last week Giuliani had said that the President was willing to answer written questions on Russian interference but would not accept follow up questions on those answers.
This is just the Kabuki dance of what people do in legal circles, trying to make sure you protect your client. The President’s team does have a tough job on their hands being POTUS does like to shoot from the hip and, as we have seen, you can be charged with a crime just for one count of misleading the F.B.I.
As the Wall Stree Journal reported about Trump’s former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn back in May…
One of the stranger moments of Robert Mueller’s special counsel probe is Michael Flynn’s Dec. 1, 2017 guilty plea for lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The former White House national security adviser pleaded guilty to a single count of making false statements, even though then FBI director James Comey had told Congress in March that the two FBI agents who interviewed Mr. Flynn believed he hadn’t lied.
Seems to make sense to bargain for the best terms being no matter what the White House does it will be seen as political. So stay out of the trouble legally and fight the political fight another day.
With everything else going on in Washington this is a good move for team Trump in a month of bigger and bigger hits.
The post Trump Will Not Answer Questions on Obstruction in Russia Probe appeared first on RedState.