
Based Lindsey Graham: ‘If You’re the Radical Left Who is Trying to Destroy the Country, You Can Kiss My Ass’ (VIDEO)

- Oktober 29, 2018

Senator Lindsey Graham is absolutely sick and tired of the radical left — to the point where he told them that they can kiss his ass during a Get Out the Vote event in Las Vegas on Friday.

The crowd went absolutely wild for his blunt statement.

“If you’re the radical left who is trying to destroy the country, you can kiss my ass,” Senator Graham asserted at the rally for Senator Dean Heller.

Graham also discussed the witch hunt against Justice Brett Kavanaugh and putting your country before your party, according to Courtney Holland, who posted the video clip.

“Speaking of President Trump — we have one thing in common, more than one — but one big thing. I like him and he likes him,” Senator Graham joked with the extremely receptive crowd.

Senator Graham has been in complete beast mode since the circus surrounding Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation.

Earlier this month, Senator Graham told Fox & Friends that he is going to take a DNA test to find out if he has more Native American blood than Senator Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren.

Here are a few more highlights from Lindsey Graham 2.0:

The post Based Lindsey Graham: ‘If You’re the Radical Left Who is Trying to Destroy the Country, You Can Kiss My Ass’ (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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