
DEVELOPING: Kavanaugh FBI Report to be Delivered to Capitol Hill Today – Kept in a Safe

- Oktober 04, 2018

The FBI wrapped up its supplemental probe into Judge Brett Kavanaugh and the report will be delivered to Capitol Hill shortly.

The FBI will send one copy of Kavanaugh report to Capitol Hill and it will be kept in a safe, reported Mike Emanuel of FOX News.

The FBI report will first go to the White House, then to Judiciary Committee. Access as to who gets to see report likely to be restricted, according to FOX News.

Senator Bob Corker said he’s afraid the FBI report will be leaked to the media.

The Daily Mail spoke to Corker:

The FBI is quickly wrapping up its investigation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh – and will likely deliver its final product to senators Wednesday afternoon, a senior Republican senator said.

The bureau does not at this time plan to produce any overarching analysis or conclusions of what it finds following an interview process that began Friday.

Instead, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee said, they will simply turn over a stack of ‘302s,’ the forms the bureau produces during background interviews.

Senators will then get the chance to review the materials in a secure facility, Corker told DailyMail.com and a contingent of reporters in the Capitol.

‘These are 302s. And they’re just going to be a stack of those transmitted. That’s going to be it. There never has been expected to be findings,’ Corker said.

‘What we think is going to happen they’re going to transmit a stack of 302s where they went and talked to people. And we’ll go through those. It’s possible that they have conflicting accounts, I hope that’s not the case.’

He added: ‘My understanding is they’re just going to send this raw data that is those 302s that they collect. I think it’s likely to happen this afternoon.’

According to FOX News, only Senators and 9 aides may read the Kavanaugh FBI report. It will be carried to senator’s offices at their request. But otherwise, kept at the Judiciary Committee, reported Chad Pergram.

The post DEVELOPING: Kavanaugh FBI Report to be Delivered to Capitol Hill Today – Kept in a Safe appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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