
HERE is the COMPLETE LIST of Inconsistencies and Lies that Prove Christine Ford’s Accusations Against Judge Kavanaugh Belong in a Trash Heap

- Oktober 01, 2018

Dr. Christine Ford flew from California to the east coast this month to testify against conservative Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Ford said she was afraid to fly but now we know she has flown all over the Pacific Ocean and the United States for work and vacation.

Christine Ford says she is a California psychologist but her name is not in the state database and Stanford scrubbed her bio page earlier this month.

The rest of her social media presence is still a mystery — meaning it is likely full of far left filth.

Christine Ford told Congress, the Washington Post and her far left activist lawyers she had memories of Kavanaugh when she put a second front door on her home in 2012 but photos of the property show the door was installed before 2011.

And there is also a record of business operating out of the same address which would explain a second door.

And her current charges against Judge Brett Kavanaugh continue to evolve by the day.

Christine Ford’s testimony to Congress was littered with lies and inconsistencies.

Of course, the liberal media once again is ignoring the truth.

John Nolte from Breitbart.com has listed the many facts that discredit Dr. Ford’s testimony and her credibility.

  • She has aligned herself with the far-left.
  • She straight-up lied about being afraid to fly.
  • She said she wanted anonymity but continually reached out to the far-left Washington Post.
  • Her polygraph is a farce.
  • Her story has been carefully weaved into a Kafka-esque nightmare no man (even with detailed calendars) can ever escape from.
  • Every single one of her witnesses refutes her story — has no memory of the gathering in question or says it doesn’t happen, and this includes a lifelong friend.
  • Her team was so desperate to have The Woman Who Wants Anonymity to testify publicly, they turned down the opportunity to have her questioned in private at her home in California — and then lied about it.
  • Ford’s therapist’s notes from 2012 also refute here tale, even as the media and Democrats try to gaslight us into believing the opposite. Ford originally claimed four boys tried to rape her when she was in her late teens in the mid-eighties. Now she says it was one rapist and one bystander when she was 15 in the early eighties.
  • Ford refused to give her therapist’s notes to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
  • In the statement she wrote out in her farce of a polygraph test, Ford crossed out “early 80’s” so it would only read “80’s.”
  • Ford told the Committee the “primary impact” of the event occurred during the “four years after” it happened. She goes on to say, “I struggled academically. I struggled very much in Chapel Hill and in College. When I was 17 I went off to college, I had a very hard time.” Note how she skips over two whole years, her junior and senior years in high school; the two school years directly after the attack (unless it did indeed happen in her late teens).
  • To later confirm the event did in fact happen in 1982, Ford told the Committee she was able to pin it down to 1982 because she remembered she did not yet have her drivers’ license. But… she also says she doesn’t remember how she got to or from the house party, so how does she know she didn’t drive herself?
  • Ford also used Mark Judge’s Safeway job to confirm the 1982 timeline. She testified she saw him working there 6-8 weeks after the attack. She could not yet drive, so her mother drove her there, but for some bizarre reason Ford and her mother entered the Safeway using different doors. (And now mom can’t confirm this happened!)
  • Five times during her testimony she mentioned Safeway to verify the date. How could she know such a thing unless it really happened? Well, in his memoir (which began circulating online among Kavanaugh critics in the week before Ford’s testimony) Judge helpfully reveals he was working at the “local supermarket” during the “summer before senior year.”
  • In summation: On top of all four of her own witnesses refuting her allegations against Kavanaugh, so too do the notes taken by her own therapist. (Margot Cleveland’s tweet thread was indispensable for much of this — you will want to readit all.)

Dr. Ford’s allegations are not only not credible — they are ludicrous, a joke.

Attorney Margot Cleveland listed a number of questionable statements from Ford’s testimony.

And Arizona Prosecutor Rachel Mitchell, who questioned Ford under oath, later told Republican Senators there is no way she would prosecute Judge Brett Kavanaugh based on the testimony by Christine Ford.

The liberal media and FOX News pundits believe this woman is “very credible.”

There is NOTHING credible about this woman, her story, or her testimony that left her dry-eyed and without need of a single tissue.

America is better than this.

The post HERE is the COMPLETE LIST of Inconsistencies and Lies that Prove Christine Ford’s Accusations Against Judge Kavanaugh Belong in a Trash Heap appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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