
HUGE! Senate Judiciary Is Tracking Ford Communications with Retired FBI Agent McLean and Broader Deep State

- Oktober 06, 2018

The fourth alleged witness in Christine Blasey Ford’s story of alleged sexual assault by Judge Brett Kavanaugh denied the allegations in September.

Leland Ingham Keyser says she has no recollection of EVER BEING AT A PARTY with Brett Kavanaugh and does not know him.

Ms. Keyser is a lifelong friend of Christine Blasey Ford and was one of her best friends in high school.

Leland Keyser and Christine Ford

Leland Keyser is working with the Judiciary committee and has testified for the THIRD TIME now that she has NEVER been at a party with Brett Kavanaugh.

Christine Ford’s friend Leland Keyser said on Friday she was pressured by Democrats to change her story on Brett Kavanaugh and lie to the US Senate.

Via FOX and Friends:

Leland Keyser told the Wall Street Journal she was pressured by former FBI agent and Ford friend Monica McLean — and offered proof to FBI investigators.

And now this…
From a trusted Republican source:

Now we know that Ford’s longtime best friend, McLean, who was at the beach with her when she composed the famous letter that got leaked is also a very deep state operative.

And Laufman is her lawyer. McLean was in the second row at the hearing, one of the reserved seats, as she was photographed coming in after Ford and her lawyers.

McLean is a retired (within the last year or so) FBI lawyer herself. She is the one who Ford’s former boyfriend swore he had seen being coached by Ford years ago to take her polygraph for her FBI job application.

Ford, of course, said in the hearing under oath that she had never advised anyone on polygraphs and implied that she didn’t know anything about them. Note, she coauthored a 2008 article on psychological factors that affect polygraph results.

When Ford’s high school best friend, Leland Kaiser, came out and said the party and whole assault situation Ford alleged didn’t happen, both McLean and Laufman pressured her to “clarify” that she just couldn’t remember it.

Connecting dots makes it easy to infer that this whole plot to take down Kavanaugh is part of the larger effort to take down Trump.

Laufman was involved in the Clinton probe and Mueller Russian interference probe as well as taking out Flynn. Now he’s involved in the Kavanaugh plot.

The post HUGE! Senate Judiciary Is Tracking Ford Communications with Retired FBI Agent McLean and Broader Deep State appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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