
It’s Over: Flake and Collins Agree Kavanaugh FBI Report Is Good as Democrats Leave Schumer’s Office “Stone-Faced”

- Oktober 05, 2018

These previous weeks have been nothing short of unprecedented. The Democrats pulled every dirty trick in the book to make sure Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh never donned the robe of a Supreme Court Justice.

But all of this now seems to be coming to an end as the FBI investigation has come back with nothing damning against Kavanaugh, and Mitch McConnell now calling for the vote to confirm Kavanaugh to be held tomorrow. As Joe Cunningham wrote earlier, McConnell wouldn’t be calling for the vote if he didn’t have them.

Sen. Jeff Flake and Susan Collins also appear to be in as it’s been reported that he’s now fully satisfied with the FBI findings.

If there were any question that these two Republicans might turn against Kavanaugh, that worry now seems to be in the past. It seems, as of now, that Democrats have been defeated, and judging by reports coming from the hill, they know it.

NPR Congressional Reporter Kelsey Snell reported that Senate Democrats from the Judiciary Committee were filing out of Chuck Schumer’s office “stone-faced.”

Many are waiting to believe Kavanaugh will be confirmed when they see it, and they’re right to do so. There’s no telling what kind of tricks Democrats will try to pull at the last second to prevent Kavanaugh’s nomination. A lot rides on him not making it into the Supreme Court which will give conservatives control for the next generation.

However, at this time, it appears the Kavanaugh saga is about to come to an end. The vote is now approaching quickly, and if Snell’s description of the Democrat’s attitudes coming out of Schumer’s office is accurate, they know there is nothing they can do to stop it.

The post It’s Over: Flake and Collins Agree Kavanaugh FBI Report Is Good as Democrats Leave Schumer’s Office “Stone-Faced” appeared first on RedState.


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