Feinstein uttered a nervous denial Monday evening after Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee said her office will be investigated for possibly leaking Ford’s letter to the media.
Last week, Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Dianne Feinstein stuttered as she denied she or any of her staffers leaked Christine Ford’s letter alleging Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her decades ago at a high school party to the media.
Dianne Feinstein unleashed an evil political hit on Brett Kavanaugh after a letter given to her by Christine Ford was leaked to the media–someone from Feinstein’s office most likely leaked Ford’s letter and the Republicans are vowing to the get to the bottom of it.
Top Republican Senators on the Committee, Lindsey Graham and Tom Cotton said over the weekend that Feinstein’s office will be investigated over the leak of Ford’s letter to the media.
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” that Feinstein’s office will be investigated over the leaked letter.
“Any impact that this entire episode has had on women’s willingness to come forward and report sexual assault, which I encourage them all to do immediately after it happens, is caused by the Democrats, is caused by Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer not respecting her requests for confidentiality,“ Senator Cotton said.
Dianne Feinstein nervously hit back at Republicans Monday evening.
“President Trump and Senate Republicans are trying to deflect attention from Brett Kavanaugh’s sexual assault allegations by saying my staff or I leaked the letter from Dr. Christine Blasey Ford — they’re wrong,” Feinstein said.
“I honored Dr. Blasey Ford’s request for confidentiality. It was only when reporters were knocking on her door that I referred the letter to the FBI. At no point did I or anyone on my staff divulge Dr. Blasey Ford’s name to press. She knows that and believes it, for which I’m grateful,” Feinstein added.
Feinstein then tried to flip the script and said, “I find it interesting that the same critics who last week condemned me for not releasing Dr. Blasey Ford’s letter against her wishes are now suggesting I did leak the letter. Throughout this process I acted in strict accordance to the wishes of the survivor.”
The post NERVOUS? Feinstein Responds After Republicans Call For Investigation Into Ford’s Leaked Letter appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.