
PHOTO ESSAY–> An Unholy Alliance – American Democrats and Louis Farrakhan: From Maxine Waters to Barack Obama and More

- Oktober 29, 2018

On Saturday morning Trump-hating Nazi Robert Bowers walked into the Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue and opened fire.

Eleven Jews were murdered in the vicious attack.

For too long the Democratic Party has been given a pass for associating with notorious Jew hater Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam.

As part of the renewed battle against anti-Semitism in the wake of the Pittsburgh Synagogue massacre it is time that Democrats permanently denounce Farrakhan, apologize for associating with him and the Nation of Islam and promise for once and for all to denounce this evil man and his policies of hate.

As Kristinn Taylor posted this morning — Earlier this year a photo from 2005 surfaced of then Senator Barack Obama  standing and smiling with Farrakhan at a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus. The photo was kept secret to protect Obama’s political future.

2006 video of Farrakhan meeting with Democrat members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Isolated clip of Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) hugging Farrakhan.

Video from 1993. YouTube poster description reads, ” The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan addresses a panel on Race in America at the first Town Hall Meeting of the Congressional Black Caucus, The Panel also included Rep. Kwesi Mfume, Rev. Ben Chavis, Rep. Maxine Waters, Rev. Jesse Jackson and ABC News anchor Carol Simpson served as the moderator. The event was held in Washington,DC on September 16, 1993.”

And reader Simply American put this photo essay today of Louis Farrakhan and his many meetings with top Democrats from Maxine Waters to Keith Ellison to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

It’s time for Democrats to separate themselves from these very public anti-Semites.

Anti-Semitic Louis Farrakha… by on Scribd

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