
Portland Police Want To Charge Driver With Crimes After Escaping Mob Protest – Violent Protesters Considered “Victims”

- Oktober 10, 2018

As the videos from last weekend’s protest in Portland have gone viral, namely due to the dereliction of duty on the part of the Portland police allowing the violent leftist mob to take over the city, one particular video has caught the attention of police and Multnomah County district attorney Rod Underhill.

The video in question shows a man in a silver car getting caught up in the protest. Apparently fearing for his safety, the man starts to drive through the protest. One genius decides he’s going to jump in front of the car and try to stop it, as other members of the mob converge on the car, shouting obscenities at the driver and beating on his car. The driver eventually made it through, but stopped at the red light up the block. There, the protesters chased him down, smashed a window out in his car, and started threatening him.

Now police are encouraging the protesters to come forward as “victims” so they can charge the driver of the car with crimes. The police refer to the violent thugs as “pedestrians.”

Far left Willamette Week hack reporter Katie Sheppard writes:

Police Ask Pedestrians To Come Forward After Driver Slowly Pushes Through a Small Crowd of Protesters

Without statements from the people in the path of the silver Lexus, police say they may not have a case.

Portland police are seeking witnesses to a collision at Southwest 4th Avenue and  Madison Street on Saturday, in which the driver of a silver Lexus slowly pushed through a crowd of protesters crossing the street.

Video of the incident obtained by WW‘s news partner KATU-TV shows the car turning right into a crosswalk while the “walk” sign signaled that pedestrians could legally be in the crosswalk. A man dressed in black stops, plants his feet and places his hands on the hood of the Lexus. The driver continues to gently press the gas, slowly moving the man down the street several feet as other people bang on the car’s windows.

Portland police say the driver of the Lexus contacted the bureau and reported his vehicle suffered $3,000 in damage. The video shows protesters hit the exterior and photos show a cracked driver’s side window.

Police say they are seeking witness statements from the pedestrians to “learn what occurred from their perspective.”

A spokesman for the bureau says officers may forward evidence to the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office without additional witnesses, but having the pedestrians’ statements might strengthen a case against the driver prosecutors decide to bring one.

“The information provided by those individuals is important and it would be optimal to provide the information to the MCDA for their review,” says spokesman Sgt. Christopher Burley. “It is important to note that the video may leave questions that cannot be answered without a person being present to answer the questions.”

This entire incident took place literally one block away from police central precinct headquarters, and not a single uniformed officer was dispatched to quell the unruly mob. One person managed to get a screen grab from one of the videos showing this brave “police officer” standing far away from the mayhem, refusing protect and serve.

So, according to this new legal standard, a mob of thugs apparently have the right to surround a police car of an “officer” on duty, threaten the officer, hit the car with fists and sticks, smash out the windows, and if the “officer” tries to escape the situation, then he is the one committing crimes while the innocent pedestrians then become the “victims”.

You can reach Portland Police “public information officer” Chris Burley at 503-823-0830.

The post Portland Police Want To Charge Driver With Crimes After Escaping Mob Protest – Violent Protesters Considered “Victims” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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