
Report: Faith-Centered Chick-fil-A Roasts Starbucks Among a Shocking Demographic

- Oktober 25, 2018




In the 80’s, Chick-fil-A founder Truett Cathy sponsored a Christian camp in Marietta, Georgia. The company-sponsored faith-based WinShape camps are now all over the country.

The fast-food chicken champ is closed on Sundays.

Its restaurants play instrumental versions of Christian songs.


Starbucks, on the other hand, refuses to recognize Christmas, is vocally anti-Trump, and is pro-LGBT and transgender.

How is it, then, that the “Eat Mor Chikin” place — which the Left has been none too hesitant to try to destroy (here and here) — recently bested the coffee giant among a shocking demographic?

According to Restaurant Business, oh, yes — it’s true:

“A new survey of teenage consumers has good news for Chick-fil-A and limited-service restaurants and bad news for Starbucks and casual dining.

“Chick-fil-A has officially displaced Starbucks as teens’ preferred restaurant across income groups, according to the latest Taking Stock With Teens survey by Piper Jaffray. The Atlanta-based chicken chain was preferred by both upper-income teens and average-income teens for the first time.”


Teens aren’t always the brightest bulbs (here and here). But I guess they do know how to chow down in style.

Subsequently, the Christian titan is kicking some butt:

“It’s just the latest in a long string of strong consumer survey results for Chick-fil-A, consistently one of the fastest-growing restaurant chains in the country, including 14.2% total sales growth last year, according to Technomic data.”

And there are no signs of slowing down:

“The company’s meteoric rise is echoed in the teen survey: In 2010 it wasn’t among the top five chains among either average- or upper-income teens, but has steadily moved up the rankings ever since.

“’They’re just pushing everybody out,’ said Piper analyst Nicole Miller Regan.

“Starbucks, the Seattle-based coffee giant, had been the top restaurant brand among average-income teens for every survey since 2011, when the chain displaced McDonald’s among that group. While it remains more popular among teens than any other publicly traded company, its support among young people has steadily eroded in recent years.”

Great news. At a time when our culture seems to be raging against any and all conservative institutions, Chick-fil-A’s success feels like a standout.

We’d do well to keep it going. So if you’re reading this and realizing you could use a nutritional boost, hop in the car, drive to your local excellent-service, never-before-has-a-pickle-made-such-a-difference, delicious faith-based fast food joint, and Eat Mor Chikin. Or at least, chomp up some waffle fries — those things are goooood. Starbucks, schmarbucks; we all have Keurigs.


Relevant RedState links in this article: here and herehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: the next James Bond, Last Man Standing tall, and my take on Columbus Day.

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