As I covered here, leaders of the Women’s March are giant fans of anti-Semitic (and anti-American, here) Louis Farrakhan. And — at least as it concerns Linda Sarsour (here) — they’re not huge fans of Jews.
Hence, last week, actress and attempted political expert (and source of my personal heartache — here and here) Alyssa Milano announced she would not speak at January’s Women’s March.
Oh NO!
Now it gets worse —
Will & Grace star Debra Messing has joined Alyssa in denouncing the chiefs of that great gathering of women who wanna sport kitty clothes, have abortions, and oust The Donald:
“I stand with you @Alyssa_Milano.”
I stand with you @Alyssa_Milano
— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) November 9, 2018
The heat is on, ladies and gentlemen!
On October 30th, Alyssa told The Advocate she doesn’t know things. Well, she didn’t say that, but there was this:
This month, Milano made headlines regarding a confrontation with her own critics. While discussing how #TimesUp is moving the conversation further on a panel at Politicon, a Los Angeles political event, she was confronted by Laura Loomer, a far-right reporter and conspiracy theorist who has been long entangled with Project Veritas.
“My question is for you, Alyssa Milano. You are friends with Linda Sarsour, and both of you ladies have positioned yourselves as speakers and representatives of the #MeToo movement,” Loomer asked Milano, referring to one of the cofounders of the wildly successful Women’s March who is also a Muslim rights activist.
“I want to ask you right now to disavow Linda Sarsour because she is a supporter of Sharia law. And under Sharia law, women are oppressed, women are forced to wear a hijab,” Loomer probed. “My question is, will you please disavow her because she is advocating for Sharia law?”
“She’s not,” Milano responded at the time. “She’s not. But thank you so much for your question.”
Now see? “Thank you so much for your question” is the polite liberal Alyssa I like, much different than the say-the-F-word-to-the-President Alyssa with a messiah complex (here and here).
And here’s the reality:
@LaRebelleFleur shariah law is reasonable and once u read into the details it makes a lot of sense. People just know the basics
— Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) September 22, 2011
Back to Alyssa, she told The Advocate she on the outs with the March:
Milano has noticed the silence from the Women’s March regarding Farrakhan’s hatemongering and won’t stand for it; nor will she speak at the next Women’s March if it’s still led by Sarsour or Mallory, if asked to make an appearance.
“I would say no at this point. Unfortunate that none of them have come forward against him at this point. Or even given a really good reason why to support them,” she says.
For more of the March/anti-Semitic hubbub, see here.
While no reasonable people give a flip about what celebrities do or think, Debra’s public stance against the March is notable as news of discord among the Left — Messing is, after all, a good left-winger, having Instagrammed a personal account with her 13-year-old son earlier this year:
“’Please stand for the Star Spangled Banner.’
Son: ‘Mom, I want to sit down in protest. Can we do that?’
Me: ‘Yes, honey. We can do that.’
“Who’s crying?” she wrote. “I’m not crying. #BLM (Black Lives Matter)”
The result:
.@DebraMessing: You're proud your son boycotted our Anthem?
I'm proud of MY son. You know why? HE can't kneel or walk on his own. HE was wounded fighting for the very freedom that YOU spit on, yet he has NO regrets! He's a Patriot & you're a loser!—
Lisa, A Proud America loving Patriot (@LisaSmith4680) January 2, 2018
In September of 2017, there was also this:
Teary… this is amazing.
— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) September 26, 2017
But, of course, as we all know, there’s always this:
(@RosannaMaga) December 28, 2017
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