
Cindy McCain Talks About Trump and His Comments About Senator McCain’s Service

- November 23, 2018

Politicians often castigate each other’s politics. It’s part of that world. It’s almost like the mafia in that it’s just business. But sometimes it gets personal and when it does, it gets ugly. Donald Trump’s comments about the late Senator John McCain are a perfect example.

Sen. John McCain’s widow, Cindy McCain, says she hasn’t forgiven Pres. Trump for comments he’s made denigrating her husband’s military service and I can’t say I really blame her. The president has made clear since he descended the escalator in 2015 that he doesn’t feel bad or ask for forgiveness from God or man for the things that come out of his mouth.

Pres. Trump’s slams on McCain were various — and even expected when they revolved around policy and political differences — but none was more objectionable, low, and downright appalling for anyone than when he said John McCain was only a war hero because he was captured.

“He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump said in 2015 at the Family Leadership Summit, of all places.

This from the guy who notoriously wrote that getting through the ’60s without contracting a venereal disease was his personal Vietnam.

McCain also said she will always be a Republican but doesn’t know if she’ll vote for Donald Trump in 2020, adding the caveat that she’s not sure he’ll run for re-election.

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