
Driver Named “Mohammed Mohammed” Repeatedly Tries to Mow Down Jews Walking Near LA Synagogue

- November 27, 2018

A 32-year-old driver named Mohammed Mohammed repeatedly tried to mow down Jews walking near a synagogue in Los Angeles on the Sabbath.

Mohammed was reportedly screaming, “F*cking Jews!” while he circled around two times attempting to run over Jewish men.

CBSLA reported:

The suspect in the case, identified as Mohammed Mohammed, was arrested on charges of assault with a deadly weapon.

Security video from Friday night shows the driver making a hard U-turn.

CBSLA interviewed one of the victims, who says he and his friend were the target.

“We both scrambled in different directions so he slammed on his brakes and missed us thank God,” the victim, who asked to remain anonymous, said.

A second security video shows the driver reversing and trying to hit them again.

“He clearly was going at us and it was even more clear on round two,” said the victim.

It happened on La Brea in Hancock Park, on a corner with a couple synagogues and on the Sabbath where many walk around in traditional attire.

“Why he chose us? Probably because of the yarmulkes on our heads,” the victim said.

None of the headlines from the mainstream media revealed the suspect to be a Muslim man.

In fact, a witness snapped a picture of a Quran on Mohammed’s dashboard (screenshot below) and the media was still cautious to call this an act of terror because his ‘religion is still unknown.’

The suspect was named after the founder of Islam, Mohammed, had a Quran in his car and singled out Jews for an attack, yet the motive is still ‘unknown.’ UNBELIEVABLE.

In contrast, when a Nazi shot up the Tree of Life Synagogue last month, every headline was emblazoned with “Nazi” or “white supremacist.”

More from CBS:

The post Driver Named “Mohammed Mohammed” Repeatedly Tries to Mow Down Jews Walking Near LA Synagogue appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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