The House race in Arizona between Democrat Kryten Sinema and her GOP challenger Martha McSally, the Governor’s race in Georgia between former GOP Secretary of State Brian Kemp and his Democrat challenger Stacey Abrams, and the madness again in Florida — land of the 2000 presidential election hanging chads — all looks very familiar, even to people who’s kneejerk reaction to allegations of electoral malfeasance is to scream, “conspiracy theorist!”
Florida is, of course, the worst offender, as the Daily Caller reminds us in an op-ed Sunday:
In 2000 just a few hundred votes separated the two presidential candidates in Florida and chaos ensued. The American Civil Rights Union (ACRU) filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court that helped guide its decision to force election officials to follow the law.
Yet 18 years later the state’s electoral process remains broken. The current Broward supervisor of elections, Brenda Snipes, was appointed in 2003 to fix an office beset with problems — the year before it failed to open the polls on time. Yet Snipes has done little better. A former elections inspector, Benjamin Bennett, complained that “Every election there is a snafu of some type.” Noted the Naples News: “it’s not unusual for Democrat Brenda Snipes, the head of Broward County’s election office, to find herself facing questions about bungled elections.”
In the 2004 presidential election thousands of Broward absentee ballots disappeared. Her office transported them in private cars without observers and opened absentee ballots in private. Two years ago, the office was placed under state supervision after it violated both state and federal law by destroying ballots subject to a lawsuit.
Now comes word that a young Broward County election employee filed a sworn affidavit back in 2016 saying she witnessed other employees of the Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office (SOE) filling out blank ballots — essentially casting fraudulent votes. (affidavit included)
For your edification, the affidavit describing blank ballets being filled out by election employess in Broward County, Florida. #StopTheSteal
— Lynda Laurisstevor (@PepsiYourTeeth) November 10, 2018
In Georgia, Stacey Abrams is filing a lawsuit alleging that there are missing provisional ballots that she’s just super certain would be for her if only they could be found somewhere (maybe in a box in a back room at Broward County SEO).
Sinema in Arizona looks to have already won her race.
But no Republican dare accuse anyone affiliated with the circumstances surrounding these odd races of not acting with integrity because if you believe elections can be tampered with you’re a nutter. Period. In fact, Rick Hasen, who will tow those progressive party lines in violation of logic even despite his sizable intellect, wrote a piece for Slate that shows exactly what happens in the aftermath of these kind of hinky goings on: projection on steroids.
My new one @Slate: What’s happening in Florida is a nightmare. 2020 could be so much worse. via @slate
— Rick Hasen (@rickhasen) November 12, 2018
Got that? Republicans “might be able to ignore an unfavorable 202o outcome”. Hasen is fascinating because he’s not lying when he writes the following:
The current controversies in Florida laid bare the continued basic problems in election administration that first became evident during the disputed 2000 presidential election, leading to a recount in Florida, which twice ended up before the U.S. Supreme Court. The same pathologies I wrote about in my 2012 book, The Voting Wars, have been laid bare once again: highly decentralized election administration, with some election administrators, especially in big Democratic cities, underfunded and occasionally lacking in basic competence; partisanship in the administration of elections; poor ballot design and aging voting machinery; and poorly written electoral laws that allow for lawsuits aimed at changing the results in razor-thin elections.
The problems are being laid bare, and we did see the beginnings of them in the 2000 election in Florida. And his litany of problems with elections are also all true.
What he fails to point out, however, is that these problems have all been exploited in the past by those who sought to rig the results of an election. He’s worried Trump might do it in 2020. If he ever did (and I doubt he would), he would have learned from the best: the American progressive.
The post Election Fraud or Really, REALLY, Strange Coincidence (Again)? appeared first on RedState.