We’re constantly told that the Republican party is the party of old, white men by the left.
We’ve known for some time that this isn’t at all the case. Women and minorities populate the right with gusto and largely go ignored by a party that, ironically, consistently tells the world that Republicans ignore minorities.
However, Twitter user Cam Wallace got tired of seeing all these women and/or minority candidates be ignored by the left that is constantly screaming about how racist the right is, and compiled a Twitter thread of women and minority candidates for your easy perusal.
Here they are below.
I'm so tired of there being a growing number of minorities running for office but don't get media coverage just because they have an (R) by their name. so here's a thread of every single Republican minority running for Congress or Governor #Midterms2018
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Martha Roby: House of Representatives, AL-02 @RepMarthaRoby https://t.co/EGq21Tm4bu pic.twitter.com/gmTIwaAbGz
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Martha McSally: United States Senate, Arizona @RepMcSally https://t.co/ZJu7PHkGp1 pic.twitter.com/lJIUd2zWa1
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Wendy Rogers: House of Representatives, AZ-01 @WendyRogersAZ https://t.co/CGR50jKFzA pic.twitter.com/Gioce6K6xm
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Lea Marquez Peterson: House of Representatives, AZ-02 @LeaPeterson https://t.co/eepgliQlMD pic.twitter.com/FOKik4rynv
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Debbie Lesko: House of Representatives, AZ-08 @DebbieLesko https://t.co/HVwuu9XCR2 pic.twitter.com/kDRMNq73j4
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Marla Livengood: House of Representatives, CA-09 @marlalivengood https://t.co/pzxrHc6X3T pic.twitter.com/BIqojXwoyf
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Lisa Remmer: House of Representatives, CA-12 https://t.co/8uKMAvmd8q pic.twitter.com/C56MkIopn8
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Elizabeth Heng: House of Representatives, CA-16 @ElizabethHeng https://t.co/bb4kDteOQn pic.twitter.com/hJ1rQehEqS
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Christine Russell: House of Representatives, CA-18 https://t.co/Px4aSCB8y3 pic.twitter.com/oJIeK08JSG
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Antonio Sabato Jr: House of Representatives, CA-26 @AntonioSabatoJr https://t.co/BSDft8i1TJ pic.twitter.com/gLaR8qGMwd
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Benito Bernal: House of Representatives, CA-29 https://t.co/zz54FCPziA pic.twitter.com/kZ9wvVdxb1
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Christian Valiente: House of Representatives, CA-35 https://t.co/fFFTeWS4Lz pic.twitter.com/tAs3AHa2Br
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Kimberlin Brown Pelzer: House of Representatives, CA-36 @KimberlinBrown https://t.co/RixjhGn13E pic.twitter.com/LxtaRdgeW8
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Young Kim: House of Representatives, CA-39 @YoungKimCD39 https://t.co/438dH59GPx pic.twitter.com/UqA9IJ7igd
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Aja Smith: House of Representatives, CA-41 https://t.co/gcFNDPVj35 pic.twitter.com/pDCMgzuqsu
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Omar Navarro: House of Representatives, CA-43 @RealOmarNavarro https://t.co/gcFNDPVj35 pic.twitter.com/E8vgHWoo03
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Mimi Walters: House of Representatives, CA-45 @MimiWaltersCA https://t.co/bPhKmphnSC pic.twitter.com/56pGieQKD1
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Diane Harkey: House of Representatives, CA-49 @DianeHarkey https://t.co/HDBau0KmRi pic.twitter.com/7nYEN8PiNU
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Juan Hidalgo Jr: House of Representatives, CA-51 https://t.co/R5PRkMzryY pic.twitter.com/RtzzzzGS2w
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Omar Qudrat: House of Representatives, CA-52 @omarqudrat1 https://t.co/cLXpRgjQDW pic.twitter.com/vuEekbY5N6
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Morgan Murtaugh: House of Representatives, CA-53 @morganmurtaugh https://t.co/18PXw8nFE7 pic.twitter.com/GRudskNX7h
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Casper Stockham: House of Representatives, CO-01 https://t.co/tOIjlGB256 pic.twitter.com/hMCygwcHBB
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Peter Yu: House of Representatives, CO-02 @PeterYuCO https://t.co/0rC500DOyN pic.twitter.com/JJMbXjo0Du
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Jennifer Nye: House of Representatives, CT-01 https://t.co/yEqWR5B5JB pic.twitter.com/FyDIFnSNYu
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Angel Cadena: House of Representatives, CT-03 https://t.co/LiN0zlHTtE pic.twitter.com/dH3rapjANR
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Virginia Fuller: House of Representatives, FL-05 https://t.co/NMHTPFh1sj pic.twitter.com/QdZA9JTpZC
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Carlos Curbelo: House of Representatives, FL-26 https://t.co/sewV8Q1fP8 pic.twitter.com/y4wK9YBDbo
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Maria Elvira Salazar: House of Representatives, FL-27 https://t.co/iz0dbdQ44p pic.twitter.com/rlaZldkcjA
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Herman West Jr: House of Representatives, GA-02 https://t.co/qzfzX6QErg pic.twitter.com/WIBU8tDnf2
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Joe Profit: House of Representatives, GA-04 https://t.co/YmvFfOfL5R pic.twitter.com/OSCbutLgde
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Karen Handel: House of Representatives, GA-06 @karenhandel https://t.co/kYjahlfXft pic.twitter.com/9MLGWRNjEM
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Andria P. Tupola: Governor, Hawaii https://t.co/fveNyYR4mV pic.twitter.com/HJfhPgfiyP
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Jimmy Lee Tillman II: House of Representatives, IL-01 https://t.co/4T3iEuk5YC pic.twitter.com/QM53r50eTZ
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Craig Cameron: House of Representatives, IL-07 https://t.co/axl5cz0kXS pic.twitter.com/8hD5sYtNu3
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Jackie Walorski: House of Representatives, IN-02 @jackiewalorski https://t.co/Cvx9FQdKZJ pic.twitter.com/ZlHEd7Vp7P
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Susan Brooks: House of Representatives, IN-05 @SusanBrooksIN https://t.co/LHCf65BJV6 pic.twitter.com/N7pchgfcW6
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Kim Reynolds: Governor, Iowa @KimReynoldsIA https://t.co/cTRek8Nath pic.twitter.com/8N9qXyk04i
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
Vickie Yates Glisson: House of Representatives, KY-03 @VickieYGlisson https://t.co/kNSn3h8lJv pic.twitter.com/SRRCmbmb3D
— honey baked cam
(@cam_wallaceee) November 6, 2018
The list is a bit long, but therein lies the point.
The Democrat party tends to be a party that speaks as if it represents ALL women and ALL minorities. It speaks in sweeping generalizations about how the Republican party is bad for them, and that the only way to get a fair shake is to pull the lever for anyone with a D next to their name. Not doing so, according to them, is being complicit in the racism of the Republican party.
This isn’t even remotely true. The amount of women and minorities running for office on the Republican ticket is large and Republican voters are a mixed bag. One look at a Republican rally will show you that the clan rally comparisons are way off the mark.
The thing about the Republican party, however, is that it’s not focused on identity politics. A candidate’s qualifiers don’t include “has XX chromosomes” or “has X level of melanin.” It’s a silly metric by which to gauge a person’s worth, and Republicans have made that clear throughout history.
The post Here’s a List of Republican Minority and Women Candidates the Left Isn’t Talking About appeared first on RedState.