
“It’s NOT OK To Be White” Says University Of Manitoba – “Reject White Interests”

- November 24, 2018

Predictably, the “It’s ok to be white” poster movement has baited wacked out racist liberals into proclaiming exactly what the 4 Chan set them up to screech: It’s NOT ok to be white.

The latest covfefe is courtesy of University of Manitoba. They recently published an op-ed in the student paper titled, well, “It’s Not Ok To Be White,” where the author, , claims “The white race is not founded in biology” but Rather, white identity is exclusively used as a means of obtaining an advantage over another group.” Singleton cites a “white studies historian,” David Roediger, who says “It is not merely that whiteness is oppressive and false; it is that whiteness is nothing but oppressive and false.”

It’s only racist when white people promote themselves and not racist when others do because “Those who defend advancing white interests point to people of colour who have organized politically to advance their identity’s interests. When people of colour have propagated their identity interests, it is always done to achieve economic and social liberation on par with white people. When Black people organized Black Lives Matter, whether in Toronto or Baltimore, it was to achieve the same treatment by the police and the state that white people receive.

In response, the white identitarians proclaimed “All Lives Matter.” They rejected the call for equality by denying the specificity of the issue. It was a cloaked slogan to enshrine the status quo. It was whiteness in action.”

Singleton refers to literally communist activists as proud “race traitors” and encourages white people to “betray their race” because white people are evidently responsible for “wage labour slavery.”

He goes on to say “Whiteness is maintained partly by white people’s apathy toward the destructive force of whiteness. Often, it almost seems as though the bulk of white people are entirely unaware of their racial interests — although they are universally and perpetually asserted. But white people erupt the moment white identity is challenged.”

Singleton praises the violence of antifa with “Today the modern John Browns are antifa who seek to violently confront those who most explicitly articulate white dominance through capitalism and governmental policies. The current debate among white liberals is who is worse, the anti-fascists or the merchants of white pride. In constructing an equivalence between the two, these white liberals attempt to point to a middle road as the way forward. This road is also known as the status quo.”

After saying “Abolishing whiteness means at once extending all the privileges of whiteness to all people and destroying every institution perpetuating the identity,” Jacob Singleton ends his piece by stating “Whiteness must be abolished. It must be betrayed. It must, at long last, die.”

Just last week we reported on the triggered liberals in Portland who are offended by the “It’s ok to be white” posters being put up in their neighborhoods.

Colleges across the country are having crying sessions for offended students staff over similar posters. We’d expect that at UC Davis, but even Utah is getting in on the action. Students also flipped out at Michigan State University. One professor even says that it’s not ok for his kids to be friends with white kids, while also parroting the “it’s not ok to be white” phrase. You may recall that a community college in Portland dedicated an entire month to “whiteness history” back in 2016.

The post “It’s NOT OK To Be White” Says University Of Manitoba – “Reject White Interests” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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