
JUST IN: Senate Blocks Bill to Protect Dirty Cop Mueller… Again

- November 29, 2018

On Wednesday, the Senate once again blocked a bill to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia witch hunt.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said Tuesday he will block a vote on a bill that would protect Robert Mueller and his Russian witch hunt.

Lawmakers were planning on attaching legislation to protect Mueller to a high-priority spending bill in order to get Trump’s judicial nominees installed.

The bill requires all 100 Senators unanimously vote “yes” and Mike Lee of Utah shot it down saying the bill is “unconstitutional.”

Republicans may now have trouble installing Trump’s judicial nominees because Jeff Flake vowed to withhold his vote unless he got his way and voted on a bill to protect Mueller.

“I have informed the Majority Leader that I will not vote to advance any of the 21 judicial nominees pending in the Judiciary Committee or vote to confirm the 32 judges awaiting confirmation on the Senate floor until S.2644 is brought to the full Senate for a vote,” Flake said.

There are only 51 Republican Senators now to push through Trump’s judicial nominees thanks to RINO Flake.

Update: VP Mike Pence is on his way to the Capitol to break a potential tie on the procedural vote on Farr nomination.

The post JUST IN: Senate Blocks Bill to Protect Dirty Cop Mueller… Again appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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