
Obama-Appointed Florida Judge Sides With Democrats on Fixing Ballot Signatures

- November 16, 2018

Judge Mark Walker

Here we go.

Obama-appointed federal judge Mark Walker sided with Democrats Thursday morning on fixing ballot signatures.

Judge Mark Walker, who was appointed by Barack Obama in 2012, sided with Democrat Senator Bill Nelson’s campaign on Thursday morning and gave voters until 5 PM Saturday to ‘fix ballots’ that were initially rejected due to mismatched signatures.

CBS Miami reported:

Siding with U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson’s campaign and national Democrats, a federal judge early Thursday gave voters until 5 p.m. Saturday to fix ballots that were rejected because of mismatched signatures.

U.S. District Judge Mark Walker’s ruling came hours before a 3 p.m. Thursday deadline for a machine recount to be completed in the U.S. Senate race between Nelson and Republican Gov. Rick Scott, whose 56,000-vote election-night lead had dwindled to fewer than 13,000 votes when the recount was ordered.

The lawsuit focuses on part of Florida law that requires signatures on mail-in and provisional ballots to match signatures on file with elections offices. Voters whose ballots are delivered by 5 p.m. the day before an election have the opportunity to “cure” signature mismatches. But people whose mail-in ballots are received after that, or voters who cast provisional ballots on Election Day, do not.

“The precise issue in this case is whether Florida’s law that allows county election officials to reject vote-by-mail and provisional ballots for mismatched signatures — with no standards, an illusory process to cure, and no process to challenge the rejection — passes constitutional muster. The answer is simple. It does not,” Walker wrote in a 34-page order.

Democrat lawyers descended on Florida last week to steal the election from Republicans.

Perkins Coie and Hillary Clinton are leading the charge in Florida.

Federal prosecutors in Florida have already discovered altered election documents on the forms used to fix the vote-by-mail ballots.

Mismatched signatures, altered dates on “cure affidavits” and provisional ballots are all being used by the Democrats in their recount efforts.

It is a violation of state law to count ballots with irregularities such as mismatched signatures however; Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) reported Tuesday evening that Democrat lawyers are actually arguing to change Florida laws to steal the elections.

“Florida law requires that the voter signatures on mail ballots match the signature of the voter, but Dem lawyers are asking a judge to throw that law out & force Florida to count ballots with signatures that don’t match the voter signature on file,” Senator Rubio explained.

The Florida election will now be decided by Democrat lawyers and an Obama-appointed judge just like Senator Rubio warned. Let that sink in.

The post Obama-Appointed Florida Judge Sides With Democrats on Fixing Ballot Signatures appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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