
ONCE AGAIN… Deep State Crooks Drop MAJOR BOMB on President Trump Before Critical Meetings with Foreign Leaders

- November 30, 2018

Dirty cop Robert Mueller indicted 12 more Russians in July in his ongoing witch hunt to discredit and bring down the Trump administration in a phony collusion scandal.

Mueller and accomplice Rosenstein waited to announce the junk charges until the US president was on foreign soil and just days before his meeting with Russian President Vlad Putin.

To date 80% of Robert Mueller’s junk indictments have been against Russians who will never face a US court because they will never visit the United States.

And then there is this… As Gateway Pundit reported earlier – ALL of the new and urgent information released by dirty cop Rod Rosenstein in July was already published months ago in the House Intel report on Russian active measures released by Rep. Devin Nunes.

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Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) tweeted this out in July.

Devin Nunes tweeted out in July that his House Intel panel report on Russian active measures uncovered everything in the latest Mueller Russia indictments.

It is all listed on the Summary of Findings in the April House Intelligence Report.

Again — the full House Intel report is here and includes all of the details from Rosenstein’s urgent press conference in July.

Rosenstein and Mueller did this on the last business day before the Trump-Putin meeting in Helsinki.

But the object of Rosenstein’s announcement was to push President Trump off balance before his critical meeting with Vladimir Putin on the global stage.

Fast forward to today—
The Mueller-Rosenstein Deep State announced several developments in their ongoing witch hunt as President Trump boarded Air Force One for meetings at the G20 in Argentina.

President Trump is set to meet with Chinese leader to iron out critical trade agreements.
The Deep State is hoping to push President Trump off balance before the talks that impact ALL Americans.

On Wednesday President Trump tweeted out an image of the Obama Deep State behind bars.
The Trump Administration better start taking action against these criminals.

If the Obama-Democrat Deep State criminals are not defeated, President Trump will be ruined and this glorious democratic experiment called the United States is over.

The post ONCE AGAIN… Deep State Crooks Drop MAJOR BOMB on President Trump Before Critical Meetings with Foreign Leaders appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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