
One More Reason Jim Acosta is an Idiot

- November 16, 2018



Alternative title: “That Time Jim Acosta Claimed People Wouldn’t Climb the Border Fence…”

As a writer, I try to stay away from extreme terms. But if I may: Jim Acosta is a huge idiot.

Why do I say that? It’s simple: he’s supposed to a reporter.

Reporters do only two things — ask questions and report facts.

Jim does half of half of that. He doesn’t merely ask questions; he makes assertions and accusations toward his subject. Secondly, he doesn’t report facts; he states his opinion.

Therefore, Jim Acosta is a pundit with a press pass (please see here and here).


He’s nothing resembling a reporter. And he’s a major contributor to — or, perhaps more accurately, manifestation of — the death of actual news.

If he called himself a pundit, he’d merely be a left-winger. But he fancies himself a reporter and, therefore, he’s an idiot.

Here’s one more reason for him to be embarrassed…

Jim made a claim a while back, during his punditing via accusation and assertion toward Donald Trump. While debating the President (hence, “idiot”), Acosta made this claim:

“Your campaign had an ad showing migrants climbing over walls and so on, but they’re not going to be doing that.”


The exchange continued:

“They’re hundred of miles away, though. They’re hundreds and hundreds of miles away.”

Now I point to my article yesterday (here), showing the first group from the migrant caravans reaching the border wall at San Diego and — brace yourself, Jim — climbing the wall.

And it looked, to my surprise, extremely easy. Please see here for the eye-opening videos.

CNN’s legitimacy has been declining for years. With Acosta as its face, the network sits lower than ever. They should give Jim his own show, and let him be what he is. Putting a microphone in his hand and calling him what he’s not isn’t good for anyone. Give him a show, give him a time slot, and let him do what he does: say things that are wrong.


Relevant RedState links in this article: herehere, and here

See 3 more pieces from me: Chick-fil-A vs. Starbucks, NPR against racism, and Debra Messing vs. the Women’s March.

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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