
PRESIDENT TRUMP Calls on Congress to Pass Border Security and Funding for the Wall

- November 23, 2018

President Donald Trump told reporters on Thanksgiving morning that he may shut down the US government in December over funding for the border wall.

The lameduck session will be his last chance before the 2020 election to fund the wall.
Democrats know this.

Reporter: Is government going to shut down because of the wall in December?

President Trump: It could happen. Over border security. The wall is just a part of border security, a very important part, probably the most important part.

On Friday President Trump called on Congress to pass an immigration deal.

This should have been the first thing Republicans passed when Trump took office.
Instead, Paul Ryan screwed Trump and never passed funding for the wall.

The post PRESIDENT TRUMP Calls on Congress to Pass Border Security and Funding for the Wall appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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