
Socialist Crook Andrew Gillum Refuses to Concede – Gains Only One Vote From Recount

- November 16, 2018

Socialist crook Andrew Gillum refused to concede in the race for Governor in Florida after he only gained one vote from the recount Thursday.

Gillum’s opponent, Republican Ron DeSantis has maintained a lead of 0.41 percentage points which is over the threshold for a hand recount, reported The Hill.

The Sun Sentinel reported:

Nine days after Florida’s Election Day, the deadline for machine recounts of three statewide races came and went Thursday, but Andrew Gillum refused to concede and urged vote counting to continue even as his margin behind Ron DeSantis was slimmed by just one vote.

“A vote denied is justice denied — the State of Florida must count every legally cast vote,” Gillum said in a statement as the machine recount was completed in all but a few counties. “As today’s unofficial reports and recent court proceedings make clear, there are tens of thousands of votes that have yet to be counted. We plan to do all we can to ensure that every voice is heard in this process.’’

The Democrats will fight to steal Florida until the bitter end.

Palm Beach County missed the election recount deadline Thursday after the ballot counting machines broke down earlier this week.

Since Palm Beach county failed to make the 3 PM Thursday deadline, their numbers from the initial count on Saturday will stand.

An Obama-appointed judge did rule earlier Thursday that approximately 5,000 voters whose mail-in ballots were rejected due to mismatched signatures would be given until Saturday 5 PM to fix the ballots.

The Florida Secretary of State ordered a hand recount for the Senate race between Democrat Bill Nelson and Republican Rick Scott.

Democrat lawyers are swarming Florida right now and an Obama-appointed judge has already ruled in favor of Dem Senator Bill Nelson a few times.

The post Socialist Crook Andrew Gillum Refuses to Concede – Gains Only One Vote From Recount appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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