
Some Things Never Change – Unhinged Democrats Hang Nooses at MS State Capitol Day Before Election

- November 27, 2018

lincoln civil war

Republicans led the charge on civil rights and women’s rights.

Every single significant piece of civil rights legislation was passed by Republican lawmakers. Democrats opposed civil rights for blacks.

And some things never change.

Unhinged liberals today hung seven nooses from trees at the Mississippi State Capitol.

The leftists also left signs about public lynchings.

WLBT reported:

Seven nooses and several signs were found at the Mississippi State Capitol Monday, prompting more nationwide attention and outrage ahead of Tuesday’s election.

Early Monday morning, two nooses were found at the Capitol. According to the Associated Press, five more have been found since. The nooses and signs, referring to the state’s history of lynchings, were found one day before the U.S. Senate runoff between Republican Cindy Hyde-Smith and Democrat Mike Espy.

Hyde-Smith has drawn criticism after a comment she made on the campaign trail referring to “public hanging”.

State Capitol police took the nooses and signs down and are investigating.

The post Some Things Never Change – Unhinged Democrats Hang Nooses at MS State Capitol Day Before Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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