
University Library Calls Thanksgiving What?

- November 16, 2018

Institutions of higher education have become self-parodies, but you probably already knew that. Case in point? Campus Reform reports that The McQuade Library at Merrimack College in Massachusetts is now referring to Thanksgiving as a “National Day of Mourning.”

On their Facebook page, they posted an anti-Thanksgiving article with some rather interesting hashtags.

Here are some wonderful resources for teaching children about Thanksgiving! This is great for educators and parents.#Thankgiving #DecolonizingThanksgiving #AntiRacism #ChildrensEducation

Posted by McQuade Library, Merrimack College on Monday, November 12, 2018

Those hashtags are dumb enough, but they’ve deleted the worst of them. Campus Reform has a screenshot, however, and screenshots are forever.

That’s right- #NationalDayofMourning

Thanksgiving, a day when we get together with our families and friends to celebrate the blessings in our lives, is considered by this supposedly educational institution to be a day of mourning. A racist day of mourning. I guess we’re supposed to forget that the native americans celebrated with the pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving.

Some of the comments were pretty good.

I guess these particular asylum-seekers just don’t matter, eh?

Wouldn’t it be nice if colleges were’t just social justice warriors, but actual centers of thinking? That might be too much to ask.

The post University Library Calls Thanksgiving What? appeared first on RedState.


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