Here are a few state and local (Austin area) things going on for your amusement. Feel free to share interesting ones from your area.
Gov Greg Abbott
The Democrats put up some nobody sacrificial lamb with no funding. I’m sure Abbott has a ton of campaign dough. I wish he had a few more ads to get more butts out to vote R. Here is his last ad of this cycle.
Austin Mayor Steve Adler
At the other end of the spectrum, this sickening re-election ad will show you how liberal Austin is. His main opponent is a former city council member who is no conservative – it’s like Sanders and Warren arguing which of them is more liberal.
Sen Ted Cruz
Cruz and Beto have alternated positive and negative ads. Ted’s last attack ad is good. I hope he ends up crushing this smarmy bug Beto.
“Affordable Housing”
The city of Austin has $925M worth of bond issues on the ballot. One is for $250M for “affordable housing”. I can’t find the pro-Prop A TV ad I’ve seen, so here is the next best thing. I should write a diary on this topic – efforts to fight the law of supply and demand are the dumbest thing I can think of. I hate that it’s getting so expensive to live around here, but I don’t trust anything politicians want to do to “fix” it.
Getting taxpayers who can barely afford their own housing to pay the costs of borrowing a quarter billion dollars to possibly make housing more affordable for someone else is stupid. Talk about robbing Peter to pay Paul! This makes zero sense to me.
Austin Community College
I live just outside Austin. Some local politicians/wannabe politicians are pushing for us to get swallowed up in ACC’s property tax collection empire. It’s quite the scheme. ACC charges a ridiculous amount for tuition – out of district students pay over $100 more per hour than out of district students at a neighboring CC. Their ransom demand if you want in district rates is that the entire community has to pay just over 1% of the ever-increasing value of their home or business property to ACC annually in the form of a new property tax.
It amounts to $25-$30/month on average for property owners here – a total of over $10 million in the first year for something that affects only 800-something students today. Thankfully there is a spirited effort to fight the various lies coming from the pro-ACC side. I hope it’s enough. ACC backers were shocked this week when even the liberal Austin American-Statesman said it should be voted down.
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