
DOJ Pushes Back – Wants to Keep Reasons For Raiding Clinton Foundation, Uranium One Whistleblower SECRET

- Desember 12, 2018

The Department of Justice is pushing back on transparency and requesting its reasons for the FBI raiding the Maryland home of Dennis Nathan Cain, a Clinton Foundation, Uranium One whistleblower to remain a secret.

When the agents showed up to Cain’s home, he informed them that he was a protected whistleblower under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection and that Horowitz officially recognized his status as a whistleblower.

Stephanie A. Gallagher, a federal magistrate in the U.S. District Court for Baltimore, first nominated by Barack Obama, approved of the FBI raid of Cain’s home.

The Daily Caller obtained the letter from US Attorney Robert Hur that was sent to US District Court for the District of Maryland in response to their request to unseal court documents that would reveal why the FBI carried out the raid.

Releasing the raid’s justification would “seriously jeopardize the integrity of the ongoing investigation,” Hur wrote in his eight-page letter. “Making this type of information public while this investigation is ongoing could harm the government’s ability to find additional relevant evidence.”

He also stated that his office opposed the court order’s public release “to guard against possible tampering of witnesses and destruction of evidence, and to maintain the ability of the grand jury to investigate this matter.”

Hur wrote that “unsealing would expose details of the government’s investigation and impact the government’s ability to secure charges in this matter.” His letter also indicated that there were other “targets or subjects of the investigation.”

The U.S. Attorney claimed that redacting the search warrant application “is not practicable” because the warrant is “interwoven with sensitive investigative information.”

On the morning of November 19th, sixteen FBI agents raided the Maryland home of a DOJ whistleblower who was in possession of Clinton Foundation and Uranium One documents. The whistleblower came across the devastating documents while he was working for an FBI contractor, according to the whistleblower’s lawyer. (Note: This order was likely in the works before Jeff Sessions was fired.)

The Daily Caller exclusively reported that the whistleblower, Dennis Nathan Cain, had given these documents to Inspector General Horowitz and both the House and Senate Intel Committees.

Over a dozen FBI agents rifled through Dennis Nathan Cain’s home for over six hours even though he had already given the documents to the proper investigative channels, according to his lawyer.

The documents reveal then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate criminal misconduct by Rosatam, the Russian nuclear firm that purchased 20% of the US’s Uranium.

Outgoing Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) questioned FBI Director Christopher Wray about the raid of the home of a Clinton Foundation, Uranium One whistleblower in a letter last weekend.

Citing the Daily Caller’s report of the FBI raid, Grassley asked Director Wray to answer several questions by Wednesday, December 12th.

As usual, the DOJ and FBI are operating in secret and protecting the Clintons.

The post DOJ Pushes Back – Wants to Keep Reasons For Raiding Clinton Foundation, Uranium One Whistleblower SECRET appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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