
Florida College That Supported Islamist Professor Upholds Christian Ban

- Desember 01, 2018

Orlando based Rollins College has maintained a ban on several Christian organizations, citing non-discrimination rules, just a year after protecting a Muslim professor’s attack on a Christian student.

By Jacob Engels

In 2017 Central Florida Post exposed Rollins professor Areej Zufari for crafting an elaborate plot to punish a Christian student for challenging her in class.

During a discussion on the implementation of Sharia Law in the United States, student Marshall Polston spoke out after another student suggested gays be put to death and that Sharia Law should absolutely be upheld in the United States. Polston also clashed with the professor of the core tenets of Christianity, which lead to a revenge grade and suspension pushed by Zufari.

The Central Florida Post exposed the professor for filing a false report claiming the Christian student was skulking around in a bush after being banned from campus and unearthed court documents that showcased how Professor Zufari radicalized the children of a former lover.  Other information surfaced and documented her history of defending calls for the extermination of Jews. It was a hot mess.

For the duration of the scandal, which was first uncovered and investigated exclusively by the Central Florida Post, campus President Grant Cornwell led a campus-wide defense of the Professor’s demented actions. Rollins College accused myself and others calling attention to the inappropriate behavior of Professor Zufari as “hateful.”

After our coverage however, the school became flooded with phone calls of support for the student and demands that Zufari be fired, garnering tens of thousands of inbound communications to the school administration thanks to Act for America’s Scott Pressler. Polston was reinstated, and the controversial professor resigned. At no point did any prominent campus leader whine about discrimination or hateful behavior in respect to the professor’s collegiate angst against the Christian student.

On Thursday, the campus controlled newspaper The Sandspur, reported that the school is upholding a nearly six-year old rule banning conservative Christian groups from campus. The ban was enacted when a former Christian campus organization did not allow a gay student to compete for leadership elections.

In response, the organization was decertified by Rollins College for violating the campuses “non-discrimination” policies. The club in question argued that their rules required a statement of faith for board members and that would prohibit members embracing the LGBT lifestyle from fulfilling and thus being able to stand for elections. Members could remain, but were not able to stand for election as a club leader.

Recently, a conservative Christian group called Cru, garnered student support and submitted an appeal regarding the Christian ban. They have similar rules regulating club leadership.

When you participate in leadership elections for organizations, there are often ethics or morals clauses. For example, members of the local GOP have to sign loyalty oaths stating they will not challenge or attack fellow Republicans while holding membership.

If you aren’t abiding by the rules set forth for a club on campus, go start your own. More importantly, it is  highly hypocritical that the whole of Rollins College faculty and administrative leaders who supported an Islamist’s crooked attacks on a student, are now crowing about “non-discrimination” policies.

Another glaring example that alleged discriminatory behavior coming from conservative Christians is a bigger problem than documented attacks on a Christian student from a  radical professor.

The double standards and hypocrisy remain rampant at Rollins College. You would have thought they learned their lesson last year, apparently not. Instead, upholding a rule that is meant to stop discrimination, and in turn discriminates against conservative Christians, is what the top brass at Rollins College are focused on.



The post Florida College That Supported Islamist Professor Upholds Christian Ban appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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