
‘Racist’ Obama Tweet Gets Unearthed, Trump Pounces

- Desember 28, 2018



In the realm of politics, given polling, partisanship, and payoffs, it’s hard to know whose — and which — words to believe.

As an example, many Dems currently pointed at Trump wholly applauded President Clinton’s 1996 speech before Congress about the damage of illegal immigration (here).

For that matter, Trump was a veritable media darling before he tacked an “R” to his name and became a real threat.

How about a sharper example?

Feast your eyes on a tweet by Barack Obama, circa 2011. First, though, recall every instance of the Left labeling Donald Trump a racist for his stance against the breaking of immigration law (and for everything else, here, here, here, and here).

I know — if you recall each one, you’ll get to my next sentence somewhere in 2036.

It’s okay; my point will wait.


Here we go:

Aaaaaaaaaand that’s called “politics.”

Somehow, Barack’s racist and xenophobic tweet got unearthed, to the delight of the current President:

Aaaaaaaaaand that’s called “winning.”



Relevant RedState links in this article: herehere, here, here, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: Chelsea in a thong, Elvis in a white suit, Kimmel in a pickle.

Find all my RedState work here.

And please follow Alex Parker on Twitter and Facebook.

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