
SICK. Bette Midler Tweets to “Hang” the Trump Family “Good and High”

- Desember 01, 2018

Bette Midler, 72, fired off a tweet Friday morning calling for violence against President Trump and his family following Cohen’s guilty plea for lying to Congress about a timeline of his plans to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

The Trump-hating singer said Robert Mueller is going to “hang” Trump and his family “GOOD AND HIGH!” – and of course her tweet is still on Twitter. (screenshot below in case of deletion)

Midler believes the Trump’s should be hanged for merely talking about building a Trump Tower in Moscow – a tower that was never even built. Let that sink in.

Bette Midler previously wished for violence against Senator Rand Paul on Twitter – she’s such a loving and tolerant liberal!

Celebrities calling for violence against President Trump and his family is a regular occurrence and Twitter never takes disciplinary action against the far-left Hollywood haters.

Peter Fonda previously called for President Trump’s 12-year-old son Barron to be locked in a cage with pedophiles and Twitter took no action against Fonda’s account.

The post SICK. Bette Midler Tweets to “Hang” the Trump Family “Good and High” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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