If it exists, it’s racist. That’s kind of the kind of misery the social justice-obsessed have to live in constantly, as they are unable to enjoy the simple things due to their crusade to rid the world of everything they don’t like.
One of the things is the kid’s cartoon “Veggie Tales,” which is apparently racist now according to some students at Cal State San Marcos.
During a “Whiteness Forum” that looks critically at the problem of whiteness, students were encouraged to find racism in things we enjoy in order to train their critical eye. One group of students said the NFL was racist since the players were black but the coaches were white. Another group said that Veggie Tales is racist because the good guys are white, and the bad vegetables are ethnic.
From the College Fix:
Another project suggested that the children’s Christian television show, “VeggieTales,” perpetuates racial stereotypes. A female student who worked on the project said in an interview that the accents of the evil characters tend to sound ethnic, such as Latino, while the good characters sound white.
“When kids see the good white character triumph over the bad person of color character they are taught that white is right and minorities are the source of evil,” the project stated.
It’s highly unlikely that children are going to learn racism from a cartoon about talking vegetables as when they watch the song and dance routines put on by the vegetables, the last thing they’re going to think is how race theory fits into it. They’re not going to see black, Hispanic, or Asian. They’re going to see colorful vegetables being silly.
Herein lies the problem with social justice and critical theory. In an effort to root out racism, sexism, etc, the SJWs create it around them and force these thoughts onto the populace. Where there was no racism, suddenly there is nothing but racism.
The SJWs are the problem they are trying to solve.
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