
After Ambush of Five Houston Cops, Union President Warns ‘Dirtbags’ That the Cops Are Comin’ For ‘Em

- Januari 30, 2019



On Monday night, five policemen — or, policepeople? — were ambushed while trying to serve a search warrant.

According to the Houston Police Department via ABC News, the cops were greeted with bullets “immediately upon reaching the door.”

One officer sustained a knee injury, while the other four were shot.

That evening, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner solicited prayer for the wounded.

At a press conference Monday night, the president of the police union sped past the prayer request phase.

As reported by Fox News, Joe Gamaldi had some Dirty Harry-style words for the two gunmen, both of whom were gifted toe tags by the boys (and girls?) in blue:

“Now I want to speak on behalf of the 5,200 brave men and women who work in the Houston Police Department and the other 800,000 police officers who are working these streets every single day, are putting their lives on the line. We are sick and tired of having targets on our back. We are sick and tired of having dirtbags trying to take our lives when all we’re trying to do is protect this community and protect our families. Enough is enough.”


He wasn’t done.

“And for the ones who are out there spreading the rhetoric that police officers are the enemy, well just know we’ve all got your number now and we’re going to be keeping track of all y’all and we’re going to be making sure we’re going to be holding you accountable every time you stir the pot on our police officers.”

Three law enforcement members remain hospitalized — one for the knee issue and two for gunshot wounds to the face.

Holy cow.

The other shot cop was hit in the shoulder and released Tuesday. All are expected to be okay.

CNN indicates that officers were initially attacked by a pit bull. The now-dead suspected drug dealers retrieved their weapons and returned with something like a very explosive “How ya like THIS?! Oh — we’re dead.”

Marijuana, fentanyl, and a suspicious white powder were found on the premises, along with three shotguns and two rifles.

Since January 1st, at least four officers and two K9’s have been shot to death while on duty. Three have been killed by vehicles.



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