The leading newspaper in New Mexico, the Albuquerque Journal, published a house editorial on Sunday urging the state’s Congressional delegation–comprised completely of Democrats–to compromise with President Trump and support his bid for a border wall. The Journal detailed the deadly situation on the state’s border with Mexico, asking Democrats, “How can anyone with a conscience let that continue?”

306 migrants were taken into custody near Antelope Wells, New Mexico, January 24. 2019, photo: CBP
Both New Mexico’s senators are Democrats, as are all three of the state’s Congressmen, as is the governor and the mayor of Albuquerque.
The Journal editorial notes that Trump offered a compromise only to be ignored by Democrats not interested in negotiating on a wall out of spite: “…rather than come back with a counter, the Democrats – including our own delegation – insisted on playing politics, rejecting it out of hand because of their dislike of Trump.”
The Journal reports on the hundreds upon hundreds of migrants pouring over the New Mexico border in remote areas in recent weeks. The Journal adds those crossings are dangerous for the migrants and deadly for their children and would likely be deterred by the wall or secure fencing proposed by Trump. The editorial also notes that cartels use the mass migrant border crossings as cover to distract overwhelmed Border Patrol agents while they smuggle drugs across the border.
Excerpts form the Albuquerque Journal editorial headlined, Editorial: Border staredown – nation needs its dug-in leaders to step up and find an immigration compromise
…This isn’t a narrative pushed by President Trump. It happened this month at Antelope Wells, N.M. The crossing was caught on video, and the video was released by the Border Patrol a couple of days after it happened. The group numbered 247. Less than 48 hours later, Border Patrol agents encountered another 115 at the same location. And just this past Thursday, more than 300 migrants turned themselves in to Border Patrol there.
…In the meantime, criminal organizations use the smuggling of migrants to shield transportation of illegal narcotics across the border. On the night the 247 crossed, Border Patrol agents seized 265 pounds of marijuana and arrested two suspected “drug mules” with the aid of Customs and Border Protection.
…Despite all the posturing in D.C. and photo ops at the border, this is real life in New Mexico, folks. It’s time our leaders – especially N.M.’s congressional delegation – start compromising.
While constructing barriers at Antelope Wells and other parts of the border are clearly just a piece of the solution, it’s a start to limiting the number of death trips across the desert. Trump has also included funding for more equipment, better technology, more border agents and immigration judges – things Democrats have been asking for.
So far, Democrats have countered with a proposal that refuses to include even one inch of “wall,” which is actually steel fencing or other barriers. That is a mistake. New Mexico is taking in hundreds more people in facilities and providing them with medical care Democratic lawmakers have labeled sub-standard. How can anyone with a conscience let that continue?
…Both Trump and Democrats act like the shutdown is the exclusive responsibility of the other. It’s not. It took two to shut it down, and it’s time to end it, once and for all. We have three weeks. Let’s make it count.
End excerpt. Please read the entire Albuquerque Journal editorial at this link.
“How can anyone with a conscience let that continue?” Speaker Pelosi? Minority Leader Schumer? Senator Udall? Senator Heinrich? Rep. Lujan? Rep. Haaland? Rep. Torres Small? Gov. Grisham? Mayor Keller? Democrats?
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