
Hundreds of Central American Migrants Arrested After Entering the U.S. Through Tunnels

- Januari 19, 2019



Holy Mole-y.

At the Arizona border this week, 376 members of the Central American migrant caravan attained Eureka! status: They illegally gained access to the U.S., via cottonpickin’ tunnels.

Upon entering Monday, members were arrested.


As reported by Fox News:

The crowd of migrants, which reportedly consisted of 176 children, dug under a steel barrier in multiple areas, located to the east of a border crossing in San Luis, according to the agency.

Customs and Border Protection Arizona tweeted a video of the group, adding that “almost all were families or unaccompanied juveniles.”

Check it out:

As per the Associated Press, the vast majority of the group was from Guatemala.

So how’d they just dig right through? According to Border Patrol spokesman Jose Garibay, the absence of concrete under that portion of the barrier allowed ’em to just come on in.

How does this breach of security play into the Democrats’ position that — suddenly, as we have a Republican president who campaigned on the promise of a wall — there’s no need for a physical strengthening of the border (here and here)?

To hear Nancy Pelosi tell it, a wall is a downright “immorality” (here).

The legendary left-winger had special uninvited guests earlier this week, demanding to be let in her house to make a turkey sandwich. She wasn’t too hospitable — she called the cops (here).

If only the tunnel had led to Pelosi’s front door, she could’ve put her money where her mouth is. Or, where their mouths are. Turkey, anyone?

Currently, that left-wing congressional turkey’s mouth is kissing the big fat behind of the Worst Partisan Politics Has to Offer.




Relevant RedState links in this article: hereherehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: doing it all, declaring an emergency, and getting a colonoscopy

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