Today is Speaker Paul Ryan’s last day in office.
The Republican leader shafted President Trump, Republican lawmakers and conservative-populist voters.
Paul Ryan repeatedly promised to fund the Trump Border Wall.
But at every opportunity he denied the Republican President funds for his border wall.
It was not until President Trump threatened to shut down the government the Speaker Paul Ryan FINALLY pushed legislation that included ONLY $5 BILLION to fund the border wall.
President Trump promised to build a border wall with Mexico at nearly EVERY campaign stop he held in 2015-2016.
The president won the election in an electoral landslide with a promise to build a border wall with Mexico.
In January 2017 Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell promised to pass funding of $12-15 billion to build the Trump border wall.
But it was all a lie.
Paul Ryan later told Tucker Carlson he would fund the Trump border wall.
It was all a lie.
Paul Ryan did not once include funding for the Trump border wall in any financial package since Trump’s election — until Trump threatened a shutdown.
Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell lied.
But they did fund a border security barrier in Tunisia and Jordan.
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Last week President Trump called on the GOP Congress to finally pass funding for the border wall.
The Pelosi Democrats take over today.
This is Paul Ryan’s last day as Speaker of the House.
Paul Ryan is a liar.
Never forget.
The post On His Last Day in Office, NEVER FORGET: Paul Ryan REPEATEDLY Promised to Fund Trump Border Wall — Repeatedly Lied (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.