
REPORT: Trump Legal Team Tells Mueller to Pound Sand – Rejects Mueller Request For Sit-Down Interview With POTUS

- Januari 15, 2019

According to a new report by CNN, Trump’s legal team told Mueller to pound sand and rejected a request from the special counsel for a sit-down interview with the president. 

Mueller made the request after President Trump’s lawyers responded in writing to a list of questions from the special counsel about so-called ‘Russian collusion,’ not about ‘obstruction of justice.’

Trump’s legal team and Mueller’s thugs have been sparring over the issue of an in-person interview for over a month and Trump’s lawyers are saying NO WAY.

Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s personal lawyers said in a December interview on Fox News that an interview with Mueller would happen “over my dead body.”

A source told CNN that “Mueller is not satisfied” with just written answers from President Trump.

Trump’s legal team has closed the door to any further responses to crooked cop Mueller, sources told CNN.

To date, Mueller has not charged one American with the crime of ‘Russian collusion’ because it’s not a crime — all charges have been for ‘making false statements’ either to federal investigators or to Congress.

If not for Mueller’s witch hunt, none of these people would have been charged with anything. In other words, Mueller’s investigation created the crimes since none of the charges stem from ‘Russian collusion.’

Many reports claim that Mueller is winding down his Russian witch hunt, however, an Obama-appointed judge just extended the Mueller grand jury for up to six months.

Mueller could still try to issue a presidential subpoena which would ignite a huge legal battle that would end up in the Supreme Court.

Bill Barr, President Trump’s nominee to be the next Attorney General will not stop Mueller’s inquisition if he is confirmed.

According to his prepared remarks, Mr. Barr will tell Senators during his confirmation hearing this week that it’s vitally important Mueller complete his Russia probe.

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