
Russian Hooker Who Promised to Spill ‘Trump-Russia’ Secrets Admits She Made Up Claims to Save Her Life

- Januari 30, 2019

Belarusian escort Anastasia Vashukevich AKA Nastya Rybka was arrested in Thailand last year for conspiracy to provide sexual services to a group.

She was released after serving 9 months behind bars in Thailand and deported to Moscow where she was arrested for prostitution after she offered ‘Russian collusion information’ on Trump to the FBI in exchange for help being bailed out of prison.

Nastya Rybka claimed she had recordings of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska that would lead to Trump’s connections to Russia. The Russian prostitute claimed she obtained these recordings while she was having an affair with the oligarch.

Nastya Rybka is now saying she made up the story to save her own life — SHOCKER.

“I think it saved my life, how can I regret it? If journalists had not come at that time and that story had not come to the newspapers, maybe I would die [be dead by] now,” Rybka told CNN.

CNN previously traveled to the detention center in Thailand to interview the Russian prostitute because they believed she would spill the beans on Trump-Russia collusion.

This stunt by CNN may be worse than when they were digging through trashcans in St. Petersberg, Russia looking for ‘Trump-Russia collusion.

Mueller’s investigation is so corrupt and pathetic that it has led the frauds in the mainstream media on a wild goose chase to Thailand with the hopes that a Russian prostitute will be the one to sink Donald Trump’s presidency.

The post Russian Hooker Who Promised to Spill ‘Trump-Russia’ Secrets Admits She Made Up Claims to Save Her Life appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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