
Satan’s Party: Congressional Democrats on Committee Propose Removing “So Help You God” From Oath

- Januari 30, 2019

At the 2012 DNC Convention Democrats booed God and Israel.

The party continues to drift further and further left.

Democrats on the House Committee on Natural Resources proposed to remove the words “so help you God” from the oath recited before committee hearings.

They find it offensive.

The Hill reported:

The House Committee on Natural Resources is reportedly seeking to have the words “so help you God” removed from the oath recited by witnesses who testify before the panel, according to a proposal obtained by Fox News.

The rules proposal states that witnesses appearing in hearings before the committee would be administered the following oath: “Do you solemnly swear or affirm, under penalty of law, that the testimony that you are about to give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth[, so help you God]?”

According to Fox News, the “so help you God” phrasing is written in brackets in red in the draft which indicates the words are slated for removal.

The post Satan’s Party: Congressional Democrats on Committee Propose Removing “So Help You God” From Oath appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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