
Snowflake Comey Melts Down Over Trump’s Latest Comments on FBI, Government Shutdown

- Januari 15, 2019

Leaker and liar James Comey melted down Monday and slammed Republicans from his Twitter account after President Trump’s latest tirade about the FBI and government shutdown.

The New York Times reported this weekend that the FBI opened a counterintelligence investigation into President Trump as revenge for firing FBI Director James Comey.

There was no evidence Trump was working on behalf of the Russian government, the investigation was to avenge Comey’s firing.

The President unleashed a tweetstorm attacking the crooked lying cops over at the FBI, and honed in on Lyin’ James Comey.

Trump continued to attack the corrupt Democrats and FBI agents on Monday.

As President Trump left the White House Monday morning, he went off on the Democrats and the FBI during a press spray, calling the FBI agents who wanted to investigate him “liars” and “scoundrels” and “dirty cops.”

President Trump once again called Comey a “bad cop” and a “dirty cop” and said he did the country a favor by firing him.

Snowflake Comey can’t handle the truth so he lashed out at Republicans from his Twitter account Monday afternoon, invoking a quote from the Army-McCarthy hearings.

COMEY: This is not okay, not normal. That the witness intimidation continues while hundreds of thousands of honest public servants are without pay moves it from just outrageous to unconscionable. Can Republicans hear the past asking, “At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

Comey invoked the infamous quote heard around the world from the Army-McCarthy hearings to lecture Republicans. His arrogance is astounding.

The post Snowflake Comey Melts Down Over Trump’s Latest Comments on FBI, Government Shutdown appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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