Touchdown by Ron Cogswell, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0/Original
Welp. It is that time again.
Another bullsh** allegation of some sort of race/gender harassment has blown up and, after a couple of weeks of putting up with being told how horrible we are…because every bad action by a Republican or anyone thought to have been a Republican at one time or another is, naturally, the responsibility of every Republican…now we’re told we’re horrible for having been right in our initial skepticism.
The Jussie Smollett case had the Tawana Brawley stench about it from Day One. A C-list actor from a television show that is popular with someone goes out from his hotel in Chicago in the early morning hours of Tuesday, January 29. He returns to his hotel wearing a rope around his neck and carrying his Subway sandwich. The temperature is about -9, according to AccuWeather. He claims he was jumped by a couple of white guys wearing MAGA hats who said hurty-pants things to him and welcomed him to “Trump country.” They also poured bleach on him. To people not suffering from tertiary TDS, there were bizarre things that never rang true. Strangely, in addition to letting him keep his sandwich, Smollett’s assailants also avoided hitting him in the face. They were racists but strangely gentlemanly about it. Smollett isn’t all that famous and it’s pretty doubtful anyone would recognize him at 2 a.m. Why were guys hanging out waiting to attack this actor in subzero weather? How did they know he would be jonesing for some Subway in the wee hours? And since when did Chicago become “Trump country?”
Now we know that this whole thing was contrived by Smollett and a couple of acquaintances, but guess what? Now we are all terrible people for pointing out the credulousness of the press and their willingness to push any story at all that might further the Democrat agenda. In fact, we are now being scolded by left and right over rubbing this nonsense in. First up, S. E. Cupp:
The giddiness among Trumpsters over the Smollett news is gross. This story is awful. He allegedly abused police resources, exploited raw divisions in this country, and made it harder for every victim of a hate crime to report. This is sad no matter your politics.
— S.E. Cupp (@secupp) February 17, 2019
The dishonesty here is so grotesque that it is actually awe-inspiring.
The giddiness was with all the news outlets that leapt on the pre-fab Trump-inspired hatred story from the start.
Your co-worker Don Lemon has been speaking to Smollett daily since this story broke. https://t.co/4CLASOPfIu— Brad Slager – Ano de Cinema Mal
(@MartiniShark) February 17, 2019
The network this person works for pushed this story, hard, from day one and now, because she allegedly (I have to admit that I could no more sit through her show than I could watch TeleTubbies) “waited for the facts.” Neither, it seems, can very many other people.
So.. you’re just going to lie like we can’t google these things? pic.twitter.com/RXbYiBjrvd
— Cocaine Mitch (@FIlevered) February 17, 2019
And this from David Marcus who is just a lot better than we are:
I agree with this completely. https://t.co/40iBoO7QVS
— David Marcus (@BlueBoxDave) February 17, 2019
I was dubious about the Smollett case, but stayed quiet until the police sorted it out, and urged others to do the same. Spiking the football does more harm than good. You can criticize the media fawning but don’t be a jerk about it.
— David Marcus (@BlueBoxDave) February 17, 2019
One last note on the Smollett thing. You may be absolutely certain Russian, and other foreign trolls are working overtime to divide Americans on this. Guaranteed. Decide how involved you want to be in that.
— David Marcus (@BlueBoxDave) February 17, 2019
This is some of the most blatant dumbfu**ery since the Covington Catholic High School kids were held to be responsible for something because they wore MAGA hats. We’re being told that we are playing into the hands of heaven-knows-what foreign plot because we are dunking on all the cretins who pushed this story. Smollett isn’t to blame. The people who pushed the story aren’t to blame. The people who were targeted by this stunt and who didn’t believe it are now the bad guys for saying “I told you so.”
The only way to stop this nonsense is to show no mercy and no forgiveness to anyone who pushed this story or pushed the story about the Covington Catholic kids. For too long, we’ve been the target of this kind of abuse. Time and again it has been proven false. And each time we’re told to magnanimous, to forgive and forget in the service of healing wounds.
F*** that noise.
I’m at a point where I want nothing to do with these people that doesn’t involve them learning to code. If anyone wants to let this slide, feel free. Just don’t expect me to stop laughing at you.
You know that True Conservatives (TM) like @secupp and whoever @BlueBoxDave is frown on pointing out facts like this, but I think it's important to do so anyway because Ahoy.
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) February 17, 2019
I'm sorry, but tsk tsking people who feel vindicated because they were blamed for something that turned out to be a hoax is a really bad look.
— neontaster (@neontaster) February 17, 2019
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The post After Covington and Smollett We Owe Ourselves a Victory Dance In the End Zone appeared first on RedState.