On Monday, I asked if there was more hoax to the Jussie Smollett hoax than had yet been asserted. Ola and Abel Osundairo have claimed the three rehearsed the attack before it was acted out on a Chicago street. But what of — I asked — the threatening letter to Jussie, which supposedly served as catalyst for the staged fight (here)?
On January 22nd, the Empire actor received a letter featuring a stick figure hanging from a tree, with a gun to his head and a caption reading “You will die, black fag.”
As the Monday story went, detectives believe the letter didn’t get a satisfactory degree of attention for Jussie, so he conjured a media’s-dream-come-true tale.
But was the letter his doing as well? The Osundairo brothers now say Yes.
As stated by ABC News:
The FBI and the US Postal Inspection Service are currently investigating whether Jussie Smollett played a role in sending a threatening letter addressed to him at Empire’s Chicago studio prior to the alleged attack, two federal officials confirm to ABC News. The accusation, made by the two brothers who were persons of interest, has not been confirmed.
What kind of person longs for this level of attention? Who’d wanna fake a bunch of stuff in order to have a spotlight shined on them? Oh, yeah — an actor.
It seems that Jussie’s account continues to collapse. The walls of reality are closing in, if investigators and the accomplice brothers are to be believed. So far, Ola and Abel appear to be singing like canaries:
The Osundairo brothers agreed to cooperate with authorities after detectives confronted them with evidence that they bought the rope — allegedly used in an attack that Smollett described to police as laced with racial and homophobic slurs — at a Chicago hardware store, sources said.
Makes sense.
The Left went bananas over Jussie’s claim — immediately gripping their pearls, despite the lack of story verification. For that, see Stephanie Ruhle in the video below.
But Jussie’s yarn is merely one of many. For more on that, check out Elizabeth Vaughn’s RedState article covering other MAGAmongering stories since Trump’s election. This incident is part of a greater series. And — given the fact that the media learned nothing from the Covington fiasco — it isn’t a succession likely to soon end. With hasty outrage and irresponsible reporting, the Left are using lies — whether intentional or not — to construct an anti-conservative narrative the size of…an Empire.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here and here.
See 3 more pieces from me: not a good look, not a good hair color, and not a good green screen.
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