If you live in Chicago, Democratic City Council candidate Ugo Okere has a great idea for you: to have socialism “control…every single facet of [your] life.”
Sound great? Great.
In an interview with left-wing Jacobin, Ugo was asked for his definition of Uncle Bernie’s favorite economic system. This was his science drop:
“Democratic socialism, to me, is about democratic control of every single facet of our life. Government is led by the people, not by big corporations, not by multibillionaires, and working people actually have control over who we elect to be our politicians, over how elections work, and over how our government is structured. People have the power.”
“People have the power”? Not if socialism is instituted. Socialism is a system wherein the government — rather than citizens — control all products and means of production. Maybe Ugo should check out a dictionary. Or…countries that institute socialism.
In the meantime, he believes the Nazis’ system should overwhelm society (here and here), and not just politically:
“Democratic socialism even extends to our relationships and how we treat each other. [It looks] at the world through a socialist-feminist lens, in how we treat people who are black, who are brown, who are femme, who are non-binary, who are gender-nonconforming, and who are working class.”
Huh?? Socialism is feminist?? And…what the?
“To me, we’ll have achieved democratic socialism not when there is no conflict in the world, but when our societies are not governed based on power, but are governed based on the mutual understanding that everybody deserves a decent and quality life.”
Not governed based on power? Again, I highly recommend a dictionary.
Ugo said he ain’t no regular Democrat:
“One part of the Left wants to reform the existing society that we have now. They want to make changes that will make life easier, that will make life not so bad. But there’s another side of the Left that wants to radically transform the way the world works — not simply say that we can make some changes here and there and that things will be alright.”
Well, there ya go, folks.
In a previous era, this is where everyone would’ve just rolled their eyes and moved on. However, professed socialists currently occupy the national legislature (here and here), millennials are LOVIN’ it (here), and Oregon wants to lower its voting age to 16 (here).
So we’ve got some work to do.
So does Udo, down at the Chicago Public Library.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here and here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me: $8 billion for the wall, in praise of Gary Sinise, and Trump vs a cow-fart fighter.
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