Nashville’s Belmont University got quite the surprise Wednesday when a guest speaker repeatedly slung vulgarity at the private-school student body, among it a message of “F*** Trump.”
The college had asked Middle Tennessee State University Professor of Music Dr. Joseph Morgan to host a lecture on “Popular Music and Presidential Politics” for its school-wide convocation.
Okay; in 2019, probably not a wholesome-geared idea.
Convocation, incidentally, is mandatory. However, students can pick and choose which installments they check out, so long as they meet the number required for graduation. Oh, sorry — that should be “which installments out which they check.”
Morgan’s big day was promoted thusly:
[A] “brief survey of popular music, including hip-hop, rock, country and Tejano, discussing musical resistances to Donald Trump’s campaign for President. By employing the concept of earned media, the talk investigates the way that these artists actually assisted the campaign they sought to defeat.”
An anonymous attendee described the event to
“[Dr. Morgan] just showed reprimanding videos of people bashing Donald Trump. While describing the ‘hip hop’ artists that released offensive songs towards the President, he verbatim called them ‘Gansta Rappers.’ Talking about, describing, agreeing with, and showing insulting videos that included people talking [sic] ‘F*** Donald Trump,’ and ‘Ni**a.”
Geez Louise! But that ain’t all:
“He used the words ‘p***y’ and ‘vagina’ while speaking about the songs as well. He touched on topics Trump spoke about such as abortion, and was suggesting his dislike for the President. I thought it was totally inappropriate for a Christian institute to allow this type of slander and profanity be [sic] used in a convo.”
Another student texted a friend:
“[Joseph Morgan] is literally saying f*** and p***y and vagina and just dissing Trump the entire time playing hate songs against Trump.”
Some thought it was great:
“Honestly, that’s the best thing Belmont has done that I’ve ever heard of.”
Late in the evening, the school issued an apology:
“Earlier today an outside speaker appeared at Belmont University and shared content about politics and popular culture that was biased and disrespectful. Some of the content presented, including the presentation title which was different from what had been approved by University officials, was outside the lines of what was expected. The University feels betrayed by the deception implicit in the actions of the guest speaker. Belmont University does not endorse the message that was delivered and also strongly objects to the obscene language that was used. We apologize to anyone who was offended as today’s event was not reflective of our Christian identity nor of our institutional commitment to civil political discourse.” –Belmont University Office of Communications.
No definite word on whether the goob’ll be invited back; but that whole “betrayal” thing has me leaning toward No.
Schools haven’t exactly been batting 1000 lately. Cases in point:
- West Virginia University student investigated by the school over his Halloween costume (here)
- Standup comedian has his mic cut at Columbia due to inappropriate jokes (here)
- The Vagina Monologues gets canceled at Eastern Michigan University because it excludes women who don’t possess vaginas (here)
- Nebraska’s Manchester Elementary School bans Christmas, in every way (here)
Check out the (explicit) convocation video below, and tell me: Do you think playing this for a crowd of 18-24-year-olds has any educational merit? Wanna send your son or daughter to Belmont for $48,170 per year? Be their guest.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me: no armed teachers, no good comeback, and no good deed unpunished.
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