Dave Chapelle Is The Hero We Need.
There is no doubt that the First Amendment has been under attack for a while in this country. Comedy, which has always been the one place where anything can be said, has also suffered these past couples of years. We as a nation have been suffering for it.
Thankfully, there is one man who still does not give a flying you-know-what about what the conventional thought of the day in the college, media P.C. culture.
That man is Dave Chappelle.
In a standup appearance, last Thursday on Valentine’s Day in Charlotte, North Carolina, the star of the Comedy Central hit “The Chappelle Show” proceded to talk about and destroy some of the hot topics of the day.
According to LOGO…
He informed the crowd of breaking news, which was inaccessible to those of us in attendance, as he had employed the use of Yondr to lock up people’s phones: Smollett had, in Chappelle’s words, faked the attack against him to stay on Empire.
Chappelle joked that it made him so mad he wanted to break a dollhouse over the star’s head, referencing one of the jokes that brought criticism to Hart.
He questioned a number of elements of Smollett’s story, saying he was skeptical from the beginning, despite wanting to believe him. Even Scooby-Doo, he joked, would have questioned the veracity of the actor and singer’s account.
He was just getting warmed up.
He questioned everything about Jussie’s story, clearly showing that he had been questioning this for a while and was compiling some jokes on this.
In his routine, he noted that…
* Jussie wouldn’t be going to Subway late at night and could hire people to do that for him in the cold January night.
* Why anyone would be walking around Chicago at 2 a.m. with a noose and why Smollett had kept the noose around his neck while he waited for the police to arrive.
Here is where free speech should be valued and why comics like Dave Chappelle are invaluable even if you don’t agree with his world view.
He repeatedly expressed his anger that, in his belief, Smollett had lied about the attack, saying it would hurt the credibility of real victims of anti-gay and racist violence, and joked that he hoped “the gays” take the brunt of the blow back.
That we have people advocating for believing any story even if it does not sound true or is not backed up by facts is DAMAGING real victims of actual discrimination and violence. This is the message that will get lost in the march to find the truth of what happened back in late January with Smollett. Also, I’m sure Dave will be heavily criticized for joking that he hopes “the gays” take the brunt of the blowback. This is what great comedians excel at, mixing humor with biting social commentary.
The whole Alexander Ocasio-Cortez wing of the socialist movement is so devoid of any humor this will infuriate them and I hope they respond. They will demand apologies and try to destroy the First Amendment and comedy along with it and they won’t be able to match the sheer wit of Chappelle and others.
Mostly because the AOC wing is just flat out wrong on a lot of their world view.
Who could have imagined when this all started it would take the guy who created the blind African American KKK member, Clayton Bigsby (Dave Chapelle as Bigsby pictured above) to lead the way to defend free speech and to laugh. I’m glad he did.
One last thing that will just drive the progressives bonkers.
He closed out the set with this poke in the eye to the feelings over facts crowd…
“If I ever get in trouble for the things I say, I’ll say it right now: I’m going to apologize. Just know, I’m not sorry.”
Game. Set. Match.
Long live Dave Chapelle.
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The post Dave Chappelle DESTROYS Jussie Smollett for Lying About the Attack appeared first on RedState.