
Dems’ Black History Month Debacle Continues: White MD Democrat Lawmaker Punished for Calling Black Neighborhood ‘N***** District’

- Februari 27, 2019

Democrats have had a Black History Month that has revealed the racism and hypocrisy at the heart of the party. First, white Virginia Democrats Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring were embroiled in blackface controversies while black Lt. Governor Justin Fairfax was accused of sexual assaults.

Second, actor and Democratic Party activist Jussie Smollett had a race attack hoax exposed after Chicago police determined his claim of being attacked by Trump supporting white men who wore MAGA hats and put a noose around his neck while pouring bleach on him was an elaborate hoax.

Mary Ann Lisanti, Twitter avatar.

Now, as Black History Month comes to a close, white Democrat Maryland Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti (District 34A Harford County) is under fire after being accused of calling a black neighborhood in Prince George’s County a “n***** district” during a conversation with a fellow Democrat lawmaker last month.

The Washington Post broke the story Monday night:

A white lawmaker from Har­ford County apologized to the leaders of the Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland for using a racial slur to describe a legislative district in Prince George’s County — but also told her black colleagues that she did not recall saying it, according to two lawmakers who attended the meeting.

Caucus members confronted Del. Mary Ann Lisanti (D) on Monday night over allegations that she told a white colleague, during an after-hours gathering at an Annapolis cigar bar, that when he campaigned in Prince George’s on behalf of a candidate last fall he was door-knocking in a “n—– district.”

…Questioned by The Washington Post earlier this month about her alleged use of the racial slur, Lisanti said: “I don’t recall that. . . . I don’t recall much of that evening.”

When asked whether she has ever used the slur, she said: “I’m sure I have. . . . I’m sure everyone has used it. I’ve used the f-word. I used the Lord’s name in vain.”

Del. Jay Walker, who is black and represents the  26th District located in Prince George’s County near the one slurred by Lisanti, told the Post he heard Lisanti use the slur but chose to handle it privately.

“I was leaning on my time in football,” said Walker, a former professional quarterback. “It was something I had to handle inside the locker room, and I handled it appropriately. I made my disappointment known. When she apologized, I told her how disappointed I was.”

On Tuesday the Democrat House Speaker Michael Busch (District 30A Anne Arundel County) announced he was stripping Lisanti of leadership posts on committees and sending her to sensitivity training, the Baltimore Sun reported:

Lawmakers and civil rights leaders on Tuesday condemned Harford County Del. Mary Ann Lisanti’s use of a racial slur during an after-hours gathering at an Annapolis bar — and House Speaker Michael Busch stripped her of two leadership assignments.

Lisanti, a Democrat in her second term from Havre de Grace, apologized Tuesday morning to the House Democratic Caucus for using the slur and released a statement asking for forgiveness.

“I deeply apologize to the citizens of my district, people of Maryland, all of my colleagues in the Maryland General Assembly and everyone reading this for my word choice several weeks ago,” Lisanti said. “I am sickened that a word that is not in my vocabulary came out of my mouth. It does not represent my belief system, my life’s work or what is in my heart.”

…Busch stripped Lisanti of her posts as chairwoman of a House subcommittee on unemployment insurance and as House chairwoman of a joint committee on unemployment insurance.

…Busch said Lisanti agreed to undergo “sensitivity training.”

“I hope that through the sensitivity training that Delegate Lisanti has agreed to and the help of her colleagues, she will develop a greater understanding of the impact that she has had on her fellow legislators and the entire House of Delegates,” Busch said. “Like anyone who has made a mistake, she has the opportunity for redemption — but it is her responsibility to do so and earn back the trust of her colleagues.”

The Sun also reported on a letter by Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland to Speaker Busch in which the group called on Busch to do what he ended up doing, strip Lisanti of leadership posts and send her to sensitivity training.

Meanwhile at the White House this month:

The post Dems’ Black History Month Debacle Continues: White MD Democrat Lawmaker Punished for Calling Black Neighborhood ‘N***** District’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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