
Elizabeth Warren Heritage Issues Grow Almost as Fast as Her List of Defenders

- Februari 08, 2019

Elizabeth Warren hints that more evidence of her ethnicity claims could surface, as image repair hits overdrive.

The Warren bid for Presidential candidacy has not exactly electrified the electorate to this point. She has embarrassingly attempted to replicate the social media dexterity exhibited by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, to hilariously awful results. Her pandering “I’m gonna get me a beer” moment was such a farcical stretch of credulity as to be placed beside Hillary’s Iowa video on the shelf of risible media outreach.

But Warren is now being forced to stop looking at these futuristic campaign efforts as she has to grapple with her very problematic past. The ongoing controversy over claims of Native American heritage continues to chase her — and all effort is being made to repair the damage by sycophants and the agreeable press. She has come out with more comments to explain this hemorrhaging bloodline story, and all defenders are being granted oxygen to try to resuscitate her image.

As I detailed yesterday the revelation that she claimed “American Indian” as her ethnicity on a Texas Bar Association document was unearthed, and the press has done what it could to mitigate the damage. The Washington Post found this document, but it gave Warren every chance to explain things before running their story. This exposé was tucked into a broader story of her apology to Indian leaders (while never alluded to in the headline) and it was calmly released just ahead of the SOTU, with the intent it would be lost in the wake of the speech coverage.

On Wednesday, Warren came out with statements addressing the new discovery, extending her current apology tour on the matter.

“Look, this is who I grew up believing with my brothers,” Warren told reporters on Capitol Hill on Wednesday afternoon. “This is our family’s story, and it’s all consistent from that point in time. But as I said, it’s important to note I’m not a tribal citizen and I should have been more mindful of the distinction.”

Warren even gave an indication there could be more examples of these kinds of forms to surface. When asked directly if more documents of this nature could become revealed she would only repeat that she filled out paperwork consistent with her family stories at the time. There are many reasons the Warren claims of tribal ancestry are problematic. The inference is she used the status to gain notoriety in her industry. The Boston Globe attempted character repair last fall, declaring it found no proof she was granted professional favor as a result of the designation. Harvard, and other career stops, however, did have Warren listed as “minority” in bios for Warren.

Also, her stating that this was her “family story” does not hold up, as at times in her career she would self-identify with altering classifications. Her tenure at the University of Pennsylvania began as her being categorized as “White”, but then years later she was inexplicably listed as “Native American”.

At best, the choice to be considered “American Indian” on the 1986 Texas Bar document can be viewed as positioning for career benefit. At worst, once you factor in she is currently making apologies for claiming to be Native American, it can be deemed as fraud. “But family stories are not the same as tribal citizenship,” Warren is currently saying.

The leftist white knights are in long supply. Brian Fallon attempted in a tweet to dismiss the controversy, declaring it to be nothing more than the next “Hillary email” scandal. To do so is to ignore that cultural appropriation is the charge of choice from those on Fallon’s left. If anything, Fallon should be the most outraged, based on the level of import they place on this sin. It’s almost as if the Executive Director of We Demand Justice is disinterested in seeing justice on a possible legal ethics matter!

Another blue check tried in desperate fashion to deflect on behalf of Warren. Of course, Trump was invoked in this attempt. And of course, he brings up unattributable examples of arguments nobody is making.

Not only is there nobody of consequence suggesting Warren’s creative heritage has anything to do with Trump in any fashion, but whichever Trump scandal you allude to in no way excuses Warren from her actions. This is apparent to anyone not cursed with binary thinking.

Now, normally the always mirthful Peter Daou would not be regarded as a source of any repute, and that still holds here. However, he does bring up an argument of defense that exposes the obliviousness of those rushing to Elizabeth’s aid.

Warren’s ethnic past became an issue around 2012. She has been claiming professionally to be Native American for over three decades. This means we roughly have a quarter of a century remaining to discuss her background before things become “proportionate,” Peter. Buckle up, this could be a long ride ahead for you.

The post Elizabeth Warren Heritage Issues Grow Almost as Fast as Her List of Defenders appeared first on RedState.


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