James Baker
Former FBI lawyer James Baker testified to Congress in October that he was told that DAG Rod Rosenstein said two Trump cabinet members were “ready to support” removing President Trump via the 25th Amendment.
James Baker gave two testimonies to the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees in October in an unclassified setting and the transcripts of his testimonies still have not been released to the public; only excerpts of his testimonies have been leaked to the media.
Fox News has confirmed the latest portion of James Baker’s testimony, however, according to Fox, Mr. Baker did not identify the two cabinet members.
Mr. Baker said in his testimony that both Andrew McCabe and Lisa Page told him about their conversations with Rod Rosenstein about ousting Trump via the 25th Amendment.
Via Fox News:
“I was being told by some combination of Andy McCabe and Lisa Page, that, in a conversation with the Deputy Attorney General, he had stated that he — this was what was related to me — that he had at least two members of the president’s Cabinet who were ready to support, I guess you would call it, an action under the 25th Amendment,” Baker told the committees.
Fox News requested further comment from the parties involved. Lawyers for Baker and McCabe declined comment, as did an FBI spokesperson.
In his testimony, Baker said of McCabe’s state of mind: “At this point in time, Andy was unbelievably focused and unbelievably confident and squared away. I don’t know how to describe it other than I was extremely proud to be around him at that point in time because I thought he was doing an excellent job at maintaining focus and dealing with a very uncertain and difficult situation. So I think he was in a good state of mind at this point in time.”
The New York Times first reported on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s plot to wear a wire and oust Trump with the 25th Amendment.
DAG Rosenstein began plotting Trump’s removal shortly after FBI Director Comey was fired, The New York Times reported in September, citing memos penned by then-Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe.
Rosenstein fought back and said the New York Times report is inaccurate; the DOJ also released a statement last week reiterating Rosenstein’s denial he was plotting a coup against the president.
“The deputy attorney general never authorized any recording that Mr. McCabe references. As the deputy attorney general previously has stated, based on his personal dealings with the president, there is no basis to invoke the 25th Amendment, nor was the DAG in a position to consider invoking the 25th Amendment,” a DOJ spox said last week in a statement.
According to Fox News, James Baker testified that he was not directly involved in the May 2017 coup discussions, however he maintains that Lisa Page and Andrew McCabe approached him immediately after their meeting with Rod Rosenstein just days after Comey was fired by Trump.
Baker’s partial transcript via Fox News:
“I had the impression that the deputy attorney general had already discussed this with two members in the president’s Cabinet and that they were…onboard with this concept already,” Baker said.
During the closed-door hearing, the former FBI lawyer told lawmakers he could not say whether Rosenstein was taking the initiative to seek out Cabinet members:
Question: “Do you know what direction that went? Was it Mr. Rosenstein seeking out members of the Cabinet looking to pursue this 25th Amendment approach or was it the other way around?”
Baker: “What I recall being said was that the Deputy Attorney General had two members of the Cabinet. So he – how they came to be had, I don’t know, but…”
Question: “So he had two members, almost like he was taking the initiative and getting the members?”
Baker: “That would be speculation on my part.”
Baker also said he did not know the names of the two Cabinet officials.
“Lisa and Andy did not tell me, and my impression was they didn’t know themselves,” he said.
McCabe got the attention of Republican lawmakers in both the House and Senate last week after a portion of his “60 Minutes” interview aired.
McCabe said in his “60 Minutes” interview that top DOJ officials were so worried over President Trump’s decision to fire corrupt Comey as FBI Director that they discussed invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office in several different meetings.
Andrew McCabe also ordered officials to open an obstruction of justice case after Trump fired Comey to see if President Trump was acting as an agent on behalf of Russia.
McCabe then panicked and walked back his statements after conservatives accused him of plotting a coup.
Melissa Schwartz, Comms Director for the Bromwich Group and spokeswoman for Andrew McCabe released a statement Friday morning claiming her client, McCabe, was “taken out of context and misrepresented.”
These corrupt officials aren’t even hiding their attempted coup anymore — they’re publicly admitting they plotted to remove the president without any fear of reprisal.
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