Gallup Poll Chairman Jim Clifton discussed the results of a recent poll of Latin Americans in a post entitled “What If There Were 42 Million at the Border?” That’s certainly a provocative question. Clifton wrote:
Gallup asked the whole population of Latin America. There are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. Roughly 450 million adults live in the region. Gallup asked them, “Would you like to move to another country permanently if you could?”
A whopping 27% said “yes.”
So this means roughly 120 million would like to migrate somewhere.
The next question Gallup asked was, “Where would you like to move?”
Of those who want to leave their Latin American country permanently, 35% said they want to go to the United States.
The Gallup analytics estimate is that 42 million want to come to the U.S.
Forty-two million seekers of citizenship or asylum are watching to determine exactly when and how is the best time to make the move. This suggests that open borders could potentially attract 42 million Latin Americans. A full 5 million who are planning to move in the next 12 months say they are moving to the U.S.
This report underscores what we already know. The stakes could not be higher. As the bipartisan DHS funding panel deliberates on how little to offer President Trump to build the border wall (rumors this weekend have the amount between $1.3 and $2 billion), illegals continue to flow into the U.S. everyday.
The influx of 42 million Latin Americans would be catastrophic for us and would fundamentally change our country. For starters, the economic burden would stretch U.S. safety nets to dangerous and unsustainable levels. Crime rates would increase. Wages would decrease. And it would become nearly impossible for a Republican to ever again win an election, putting the U.S. on a direct path to socialism. The construction of a border wall has become essential.
Trump has tried to work through the proper channels to gain funding, but it’s very clear he will be forced to act alone. It’s time for him to declare a national emergency and build that big, beautiful border wall. Yes, he will face some legal challenges, but he will overcome them.
If this isn’t a national security crisis, I don’t know what is.
Build the wall. Now.
The post Gallup Poll Chairman: Five Million Latin Americans Plan To Move To The US This Year, 42 Million ‘Want To Come’ appeared first on RedState.